Set Environment Variables

All of the fta-setup-env environment settings can be overridden using locally defined environment variables.
  1. Execute the following command to disables the logging of bash command to the history file. This prevents the passwords from being written to file as plain text.
    $ set +o history
  2. There are two settings that should always be defined using environment variables local to the terminal session. Set the FTA_ENV_SECURITY_PRIMARY_ADMIN_USER and FTA_ENV_SECURITY_PRIMARY_ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variables. These need to be set before executing any of the scripts.
    $ export FTA_ENV_SECURITY_PRIMARY_ADMIN_USER=<my-admin-username>
    $ export FTA_ENV_SECURITY_PRIMARY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<my-secret-password>
    • Define a username and password for the FTA Security Admin user.
      Do not define these variables as system wide settings. The use of environment variables is to avoid storing this information as clear text. Storing the values in the configuration file, batch scripts or in the system environment defeats this purpose.
  3. Execute the following command to restores the logging of command to the history file:
    $ set -o history
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