Migration Steps

  1. Now that the new version is installed user can enable the Security Provider service:
    $ sudo /bin/systemctl enable fta-security.service
  2. Run the following command to start the service:
    $ sudo /bin/systemctl start fta-security.service
  3. Run the following command to make sure the service has started correctly:
    $ sudo /bin/systemctl status fta-security.service
  4. Execute the following command to disables the logging of bash command to the history file. This prevents the passwords from being written to file as plain text:
    set +o history
  5. Set the FTA_ENV_SECURITY_PRIMARY_ADMIN_USER and FTA_ENV_SECURITY_PRIMARY_ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variables. These need to be set before executing any of the scripts:
    export FTA_ENV_SECURITY_PRIMARY_ADMIN_USER=my-admin-username
    export FTA_ENV_SECURITY_PRIMARY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=my-secret-password
  6. Execute the following command to restores the logging of command to the history file:
    set -o history
  7. Change the current directory to the scripts directory under the folder with the new version:
    cd scripts
  8. Run the migration script. It takes one argument which is the path to the root directory for the prior version of Security Provider:
    ./fta-migrate-security-provider.sh /opt/rockwell/fta-security.old
The migration script will restart the server after doing the upgrade.
  1. Execute the following command to logout of the fta-security user:
    $ exit
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