Quick Tips

Refer to the following while performing repetitive tasks across all the tabs.
Sorting records
You can sort the records by double-clicking on any of the column headers. This will sort the applications, extractors, or members in ascending or descending order.
Viewing results based on creation date
You can filter results based on the following time period options. In case, there are too many records, this functionality helps you to view records only for the selected time period.
  • Added since beginning
  • Recently added
  • Added in last week
  • Added in last month
  • Added in last year
Searching records
You can search a record by providing at least three characters from the name field. DataMosaix displays only those results in the grid that contain the entered characters.
You can also select a record from the list that displays in the search field.
Refresh result list
You can click the [refresh] icon above the search box to refresh the list of results on the screen.
Filter result
This is a text-based search to fetch accurate records. You can use the filter criteria to search a particular record or range of records using the query filter. It allows you to select a criteria and provide text to filter the results. 
Display member by role
On the
Manage Access
tab, you can filter the members list based on the roles. You can select a role and view the members that are assigned to the selected role.
Continue to Main Site
You can navigate to Cognite Data Fusion (CDF) by clicking the [Continue to Main Site] icon from any of the tabs. For more information on CDF documentation, refer to https://docs.cognite.com/
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