Edit Role

If you are a project administrator, you can modify the assignment of roles. You can either assign a role or remove an existing role for a member.
  1. On the Management Console, select the
    Manage Access
    Member Listing
  2. In the
    column, click the [Edit] icon next to the member.
    • If no roles are assigned, the [Add] icon is enabled
    • If all roles are assigned, the [Add] icon is disabled.
    • If there are some roles unassigned, then both, [Add] and [Remove] icons are enabled.
    Edit all Roles
    screen displays. This screen displays the assigned and unassigned roles.
    Edit Roles
  3. Select the checkbox adjacent to a role to assign it.
  4. Clear the selection from a checkbox to remove the role.
  5. After you make all the changes, Click [Apply].
    The Member Listing displays.
  6. View the modified roles in the
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