Create a Custom Role

This topic describes how to create custom roles in FactoryTalk DataMosaix.
  1. On the Management console, select the
    Manage Access
  2. Click the
    Roles Listing
    page displays the roles associated with the selected organization.
  3. Click the
    () icon.
    Role Detail
    page is displayed.
    Role Detail page
  4. In the
    pane, provide the following information in the relevant fields.
    • Role Name
    • Description (Optional field)
  5. Click
    Add Capability Group
    NOTE: When you create a new custom role, it will not have any capability groups already associated with it. You will see a message stating ‘
    No Capability Group applied. Please add a Capability Group
    Add Capability Group
    dialog box is displayed.
  6. From the
    Browse Capability Group
    drop down list, select the required group. You can also search for capability groups in the search field by typing the first characters of the capability group name. You need to select at least one capability group.
    Add Capability Group
    dialog box displays the capabilities and applied actions associated with the selected capability group.
  7. Click
    . Or,
  8. Click
    Apply and Add Another
    to apply the changes to the role and to add another capability group.
    After applying the changes, the
    Role Detail
    page displays the added capability group(s) as a tile with the capability group name, short description, capabilities associated with the group, and the applied actions (on the right pane).
    You need to save the changes on the
    Role Detail
    page in order to add the capability group successfully to the selected role.
  9. Click
    . Or,
  10. Click
    Save and Add Another
    to save the changes to the selected role and start creating another role.
    NOTE: To make sure your changes to Roles take effect immediately, please log out and log back in again.
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