Configuring Tableau to connect to a DataMosaix project
DataMosaix has an egress data interface that makes it easier for select Business Intelligence (BI) tools to build reports and dashboards based on contextualized data.
This egress data interface is exposed as a virtual PostgreSQL server that emulates a real Postgres server, and it currently supports Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server (refer to the following details). This section explains how to connect these tools to a FactoryTalk DataMosaix project. After the configuration is performed and the connection is established, users can run SQL queries directly from supported tools.
For more information on Cognite-related documentation, see Assets tag and Timeseries tag.
- Tableau Cloud/Desktop is installed. For more information, refer to Download Tableau.
- License for Tableau Cloud/Desktop.
- Postgres JDBC driver is installed, refer to Driver Installation.NOTE:The driver should be installed on the machine that will run the Tableau Desktop client to connect Tableau with the PostgreSQL server.
- Access to FactoryTalk DataMosaix.
- Register the application using the Machine-to-Machine type in FactoryTalk DataMosaix. For information on registering an application in FactoryTalk DataMosaix, refer to Register Application.
Supported Versions
The following Tableau versions are supported by virtual Postgres interface:
- For Tableau Server, the supported version is 2024.2.2.
- For Tableau Desktop, the supported version is 2024.2.2.
- For Tableau Cloud, the supported version is 2024.2.0.
Datasource Connection using Tableau Cloud
Perform the following steps to connect to data source using Tableau Cloud:
- In the browser, use your Site URL and pressEnter.
- In theTableaupage, provide the username and password shared by the Tableau Admin and clickSign In.
- To create a new workbook, navigate toNew>Workbook.
- In theConnect to Datadialog box, clickConnectors>PostgreSQL.The PostgreSQL dialog box is displayed.
- Provide the following details:
- URL).
- Port: Provide port number as 5432.
- Database: The name of the project in FactoryTalk DataMosaix.
- Authentication: By default, Username and Password is selected.
- Username: Refer to the Client ID generated while registering the application.
- Password: Refer to the Client Secret generated while registering the application.NOTE:SSL is always enabled in both checked and unchecked conditions of theRequire SSLcheckbox.
- ClickSign In.
- Drag and drop a table to open campus and clickUpdate Nowto get the table data.
Datasource Connection using Tableau Desktop
Perform the following steps to connect to data source using Tableau Desktop:
- OpenTableau Desktop.
- ClickActivate by signing in to a server.TheTableau Server Sign Indialog box is displayed.
- ClickConnect.
- Provide the username and password shared by the Tableau Admin and clickSign In.
- Navigate toConnect>To a server>More…>PostgreSQL.ThePostgreSQLdialog box is displayed.
- Provide the following details:
- URL).
- Port: Provide port number as 5432.
- Database: The name of the project in FactoryTalk DataMosaix.
- Authentication: By default, Username and Password is selected.
- Username: Refer to the Client ID generated while registering the application.
- Password: Refer to the Client Secret generated while registering the application.NOTE:SSL is always enabled in both checked and unchecked conditions of theRequire SSLcheckbox.
- ClickSign In.
- Drag and drop a table to open campus and clickUpdate Nowto get the table data.
Supported Tables and Schema
The following tables are supported under the
schema:- assets
- timeseries
- timeseries_datapoints
Supported Fields for the Assets Table
The following table provides the supported fields for the Assets table:
Column Name | Column Type | Description | Example |
id | bigint | A server-generated ID for the object. | 454501654069443 |
createdTime | timestamp | Timestamp when asset was created. | 2019-09-07T15:50+00Z |
lastUpdatedTime | timestamp | Timestamp when asset was updated. | 2019-09-07T15:50+00Z |
rootId | bigint | The ID of the root asset. The root asset is the asset spanning the entire asset hierarchy that this asset belongs to. | 3039255880161656 |
name | varchar | The name of the asset. | function-variable-test |
externalId | varchar | The external ID provided by the client. It must be unique for the resource type. | CDF_ExternalID |
description | varchar | The description of the asset. | CDF project: testing_purpose |
dataSetId | bigint | The id of the dataset this asset belongs to. | 7166729101688251 |
source | varchar | The source of the asset. | test |
parentExternalId | varchar | The external ID of the parent. The property will not be permitted if the asset does not have a parent or if the parent does not have externalId. | ftdm-parent-externalId |
parentId | bigint | The ID of the parent of this node is null if it is the root node. | 3281201682942258 |
Supported Fields for the Timeseries Table
The following table provides the supported fields for the Timeseries table:
Column Name | Column Type | Description | Example |
id | bigint | A server-generated ID for the object. | 454501654069443 |
createdTime | timestamp | Timestamp when timeseries data was created. | 2019-09-07T15:50+00Z |
lastUpdatedTime | timestamp | Timestamp when timeseries data was updated. | 2019-09-07T15:50+00Z |
isString | bool | True if the time series contains string values; false if it contains numeric values. | true |
isStep | bool | It defines whether the time series is a step series or not. | true |
externalId | varchar | The externally supplied ID for the time series. | CDF_ExternalID |
name | varchar | The display short name of the time series. | function-variable-test |
unit | varchar(32) | The physical unit of the time series (free-text field). | Meter/sec |
assetId | bigint | The asset ID of equipment linked to this time series. | 1027806836454786 |
description | varchar | Description of the time series. | CDF project: testing_purpose |
dataSetId | bigint | The dataSet Id for the item. | 7166729101688251 |
Timeseries Data Points
The DataMosaix timeseries can have either numeric or string data, so there are 2 columns for each data type. The value will be present in any one of them. This table will return 0 rows if queried without a filter on internal or external id. So timeseries_ID or external_ID is mandatory in where clause to fetch the data. The
tables include the actual data points for a timeseries. This table has the following columns:Column Name | Data Type | Description |
timeseries_id | BIGINT | Internal ID of the timeseries. |
external_id | VARCHAR | External ID of the timeseries. |
timestamp_utc | DATETIME | Recorded timestamp of the data points. |
value_numeric | DOUBLE | The numeric value of the data point if is_string is false otherwise null. |
value_string | TEXT | The string value of the data point if is_string is true otherwise null |
is_step | BOOL | TRUE if data point is a step |
is_string | BOOL | TRUE if data point is a string |
Sample Reference Tableau Dashboard and Steps to Include All the Supported Tables
Instead of passing hardcoded
, user can create parametrized query in Tableau by passing
column as value option and select any particular
from the list to get its associated timeseries_datapoints
.User can prepare a dashboard in Tableau without providing hardcoded
or externalid
in SQL query datasource.The following steps help to create a parameterized SQL query:
- Create relation in asset and timeseries table.
- Extend relation by custom parameterized SQL oftimeseries_datapoints.
- Prepare Tableau parameterized sheet.
Create Relation in Asset and Timeseries Table
Perform the following steps to create relation in assets and timeseries table:
- Drag and drop theassetstable from the left pane to open campus.
- Drag and drop thetimeseriestable from the left pane and place it next to the assets table.
- SelectIdfrom theassetsdrop-down list.By default,=symbol is selected in theOperatordrop-down list.
- SelectAsset Idfrom thetimeseriesdrop-down list.
Extend Relation by Custom Parameterized SQL of timeseries_datapoints
Perform the following steps to extend relation by custom parameterized SQL of
:- Drag and drop theNew Custom SQLfrom the left pane and place it next to the timeseries table.TheEdit Custom SQLdialog box is displayed.
- Provide the following custom SQL * from public.timeseries_datapoints where timeseriesid =IMPORTANT: It is recommended to always specify the table with thepublic.nomenclature when writing custom queries. For example, to query fromtimeseriestable, useselect columns from public.timeseries.
- Select theCreate a New Parameteroption from theInsert Parameterdrop-down list.TheCreate Parameterwindow is displayed.
- Provide the following details:
- Name: Provide the name of the parameter.
- Data type: SelectIntegerfrom the drop-down list.
- Display format: Keep the default value.
- Current value: Keep the default value.
- Value when workbook opens: Keep the default option.
- Allowable values: Select the List option.
- Select theWhen workbook opensoption.
- SelectId(Timeseries)from the drop-down list.
- ClickOK.
- In theEdit Custom SQLdialog box, clickOK.
- SelectId (Timeseries)from the timeseries drop-down list.By default,=symbol is selected in theOperatordrop-down list.
- Selecttimeseriesidfrom theCustom SQL Querydrop-down list.
- ClickUpdate Now.
Prepare Tableau Parameterized Sheet
Perform the following steps to prepare Tableau parameterized sheet:
- ClickSheet1from the bottom-left corner.
- Drag and drop the following columns in theRowsfield:
- IdandNamecolumns underassetstable.
- Id (Timeseries)column undertimeseriestable.
- timeseriesidandvaluenumericcolumns underCustom SQL Querytable.
- UnderParameters, selectShow Parameterfrom thesetParamTimesIddrop-down list.
- From the right pane, select any value from thesetParamTimesIddrop-down list.All associated data will be displayed.
Supported Queries for the Assets and Timeseries Table
The following list provides the supported queries for the Assets and Timeseries table:
- The system supports `SELECT` statements on all columns like `Id`, `Name`, and so on.
- It supports operations such as filtering and joining between tables. This includes the use of `WHERE` clauses with various operators such as `=`, `IN`, `LIKE`,'AND', and 'OR'. The 'LIKE' operator is supported by string and text type columns and not supported by numeric, boolean and other type of columns. For more information, refer to the following table:Columns Not Supported by LIKE OperatorTable DetailsColumn Detailsassetsnumber ( id, parentid, rootid, datasetid ), date and time (createdTime, lastUpdatedTime).timeseriesnumber type (id, assetid, datasetid), date and time (createdtime, lastUpdatedTime), boolean ( isStep, isString).timeseries_datapointsnumber (timeseriesid, valuenumeric) date and time (timestamputc), boolean (isStep, isString).
- Join operations between the exposed DataMosaix tables are supported.
- Inner join statements are supported.
Sample Queries
The following table displays the sample queries for the Assets and Timeseries table:
S.No | DataMosaix Resource | SQL Query |
1 | Asset | SELECT * FROM public.assets WHERE name like 'testasset-37%' OR name like 'testtraining-%' OR name = 'test-13 on "asset-1"'; |
2 | Asset | SELECT * FROM public.assets WHERE name IN ( 'testasset-37 on "test-1"', 'testtraining-01 on "test-1"', 'asset-13 on "test-1"'); |
3 | Timeseries | SSELECT * FROM timeseries WHERE externalId LIKE 'ext%'; |
4 | Timeseries | select * from timeseries where name = '<timeseriesName>' |
5 | Timeseries Data Points | SELECT * FROM public.timeseries_datapoints WHERE timeseriesid = <timeseriesid>; SELECT * FROM public.timeseries_datapoints WHERE externalid = '<externalid>'; |
6 | Timeseries Data Points | select * from public.timeseries_datapoints where (externalid= '<externalid>' AND isstring = '<boolean>' ) OR ( timestamputc BETWEEN '2024-08-26 08:30:49.039' and '2024-05-26 08:30:49.039' AND valuenumeric > 100) |
7 | Timeseries and Assets Join | select * from public.timeseries join public.assets on public.timeseries.assetId =; |
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