Configuring Grafana to connect to FactoryTalk DataMosaix

This section describes how to configure Grafana to connect to your FactoryTalk DataMosaix.
  • Access to FactoryTalk DataMosaix.
  • Data Scientist role is assigned to create applications in FactoryTalk DataMosaix.
  • The application is registered in FactoryTalk DataMosaix. If you have not registered an application yet, refer to Register Application.
Configuring Grafana to connect to FactoryTalk DataMosaix
  1. Register the application in FactoryTalk DataMosaix. For information on registering an application in FactoryTalk DataMosaix, refer to Register Application.
  2. Download and Install Grafana (available on Chocolaty GUI). Check if the service is running.
  3. Navigate to localhost:3000 (Default port).
  4. Provide Username:admin and password:admin. It is recommended you update the password.
  5. Install the Cognite Data Fusion plugin.
    • Navigate to menu > Administrations > Plugins.
    • Search and navigate to
      Cognite Data Fusion
      and click
  6. Create a new data source in the Cogite Data Fusion portal.
    • Navigate to menu > Connections > Connect data.
    • Search and navigate to
      Cognite Data Fusion
    • Create a new data source by clicking Create a Cognite Data Fusion DataSource.
    • The data source is created.
Configuring the Settings
  • HTTP
    • Name: Update the name from the default name.
    • Project: The name of the project in FactoryTalk DataMosaix.
    • API Host:
      (Host URL)
  • Auth: We are using OAuth2, so, enable
    OAuth2 client credentials
    • Token URL:
    • Client ID: Refer to the Client ID generated while registering the application.
    • Client Secret: Refer to the Client Secret generated while registering the application.
    • Scope: user_impersonation
  • Click
    Save & test
  • Refer to the following image for a valid configuration.
    Grafana Valid Configuration
    If you got error Bad Gateway, Check API Host written as
  • Click
    To get access to the project data, you can analyze and visualize data and create the dashboard.
  • For more information on Cognite Data Source for Grafana, you can refer to the documentation.
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