API Versioning

This topic describes the versioning strategy used by FactoryTalk DataMosaix APIs.
API versioning is the practice of systematically managing changes to an API while ensuring a smooth transition for existing integrations. It allows developers to introduce new functionalities or modify existing ones without breaking applications that rely on the older version of the API. An effective API versioning strategy not only enables API producers to iterate in a way that minimizes the consumer-facing impact of breaking changes but also provides a framework for effectively communicating these changes to consumers.
FactoryTalk DataMosaix uses
URL versioning
strategy. With this approach, the version number is included in the URL of the API endpoint. For instance, consumers who are interested in viewing all of the products in a database would send a request to the
endpoint. This is the most popular type of API versioning.
Examples for the URL versioning strategy used in the FactoryTalk DataMosaix APIs:
Version 1:
Version 2:
API Versioning
The APIs have been marked as deprecated on Swagger UI, and the estimated timeline for their removal will be communicated in the future releases.
Refer this link to learn more about API versioning.
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