Edit Role

If you are a project administrator, you can modify the assignment of roles. You can either assign a role or remove an existing role for a member.
  1. On the Management Console, select the
    Manage Access
    Member Listing
  2. In the
    column, click the Edit icon next to the member.
    • If no roles are assigned, the Add icon is enabled
    • If all roles are assigned, the Add icon is disabled.
    • If there are some roles unassigned, then both, Add and Remove icons are enabled.
    Edit all Roles
    screen displays. This screen displays the assigned and unassigned roles.
    Edit Roles
  3. Select the checkbox adjacent to a role to assign it.
  4. Clear the selection from a checkbox to remove the role.
  5. After you make all the changes, click
    The Member Listing displays.
  6. View the modified roles in the
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