Import a Logix Designer project

Use the
Import Logix Designer project
option to bring a Logix Designer L5X project into FactoryTalk Design Studio.
TIP: If you refresh or close the browser while the import process is being executed, some imported content might show on the
explorer, but you will not be able to download the log files from FactoryTalk Design Studio.
To import a Logix Designer project:
  1. Select
    File > Import > Logix Designer project
    to open the
    Import Logix Designer project
    dialog box.
  2. Select
    and search for the Logix Designer L5X project to import into FactoryTalk Design Studio. You can import only a complete L5X project file that is no larger than 500 MB.
  3. Select an L5X file to import into your FactoryTalk Design Studio project and then select
    . Partial L5X exports and L5X file names with special characters are not supported.
    1. After a successful import, you will see an
      Import modifications
      message. Content from the L5X file may have been renamed, updated, or removed during the import. Download the Log file to see more information about the modifications made during the import process. The log file will appear in your
      folder, where it can be viewed in a text editor.
    2. If you see the
      Problem during import
      message with a
      Download the log file
      option, it means the import executed but it was not successful. For more information about the imported L5X project, select
      Download the Log file
      to your
    3. If you see the
      Problem during import
      message with a
      option, it means the import did not execute. Select
      import to import the L5X file again.
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