Entitlements add authorization to use different applications in your organization. Entitlements are purchased through the commerce software portal. There are regular entitlements purchased for specific periods of time and a special type of entitlement which is consumed as it is used. The following table shows applications and corresponding entitlements. For specific information about an entitlement for an application, see the documentation for that application.
See Purchase an Entitlement for information on how to purchase entitlements. To use an application, you must allocate purchased entitlements to the desired application. See Allocate Entitlements for information on allocating entitlements. Universal Credits are a type of entitlement that is purchased separately, Universal Credits are consumed, or spent, as the application is used. See Universal Credits for more information about Universal Credits.
Trial Entitlements allow you to try FactoryTalk Hub applications before purchasing them. Contact a Rockwell representative to receive trial entitlements.
Purchased entitlements appear in the FactoryTalk Hub View Entitlements page within 24-48 hours.
Once purchased they must be allocated
to an organization.When you select View Entitlements from the Hub Menu, the All Entitlements tab opens. The top table shows entitlements which are available for allocation. The bottom table shows Entitlements allocated to the current organization. If you need to purchase entitlements, a button is provided to purchase entitlements. The second tab on the page shows Universal Credits and is also divided into two tables, one for Universal credits available for allocation and one showing the Universal Credits that have already been allocated. The fields in the tables for the All Entitlements and for the Universal Credits tabs are the same.
To continue using the service, you must renew your subscription before the entitlement expires or, in the case of Universal Credits, is consumed (spent).
Column | Description |
Entitlement | Name of the purchased entitlement. A blue dot before the name denotes a new entitlement. Click the down arrow in the cell for details about the entitlement, including the entitlement type and the organization it is assigned to. |
Contract Number | Record of purchase of the entitlement. |
Quantity | For most entitlements this number is 1, however, Universal Credits are purchased in quantities as needed for the task they are purchased for. |
Effective Date | The date the Entitlement is purchased and becomes active. |
Expiry Date | This date is the end date for the purchased entitlements. This date is calculated based on the Effective date. A one-year entitlement expires one year after the effective date whether or not it has been allocated. The purchased entitlement is good until this day. If you purchase a new entitlement for the same application before the current entitlement expires, the new one does not go into effect until the previous one expires. In the case of Universal Credits, which are consumed or used while active, they can run out before the expiration date. A perpetual entitlement does not have an expiration date. |
Status | In the available for allocation part of the page the Allocate button enables you to assign the entitlement to the application for which it was purchased. Except for Universal Credits, once an entitlement is allocated it cannot be changed. Universal Credits can be deallocated and used with a different application. When any entitlement is allocated, it is moved to the Entitlements allocated to <organization> section of the page. |
View Entitlements

Each entitlement for a service provided is tied to a contract number and has a defined effective date and expiry date.
The following table describes the types of entitlements available or required for FactoryTalk Hub applications:
Application | Entitlement Required | Notes |
Advisor | No | Once logged in, Advisor provides information on Rockwell Automation products. |
Asset Intelligence | Yes | See Asset Intelligence documentation for details |
Batch Performance Analytics | Yes | |
FactoryTalk DataMosaix | Yes | |
FactoryTalk Design Studio | Yes | See FactoryTalk Design Studio documentation for details |
FactoryTalk Energy Manager | Yes | |
FactoryTalk Optix | Yes | See the FactoryTalk Optix Installation Guide for details under (Entitlements) |
FactoryTalk Remote Access | Yes | See FactoryTalk Remote Access documentation for details |
FactoryTalk Vault | No | FactoryTalk Vault is automatically entitled for operation. |
Fiix | No | |
FactoryTalk Twin Studio | Universal Credits are required to use FactoryTalk Twin Studio | Universal credits are purchased for quick use of applications. These types of entitlements are consumed as they are used and can be used up before their expiration dates. |
PlantPAx Analytics | Yes | PlantPAx requires an existing FactoryTalk DataMosaix subscription. |
Plex | No |
Users cannot share entitlements between organizations - entitlements can only be allocated to one organization.
Entitlements can be Platform, Additive, or Add-on types.
Once an entitlement is allocated to an organization, it cannot be changed.
- Platform Entitlements are set up so that only one of them from a given family can exist in an organization at a time. For example, FactoryTalk Remote Access has eight platform entitlements available and they are defined by the number of concurrent connections they allow. They can be purchased for 1, 2, 5, or 10 concurrent connections. If you want 7 concurrent connections you cannot add a 2 connection and a 5 connection entitlement, you would need the 10 connection entitlement to satisfy the requirement.
- Add-On Entitlements are a special type of additive entitlement that requires an existing platform entitlement. These entitlements can be added multiple times in the same organization as long as it has the prerequisite platform entitlement. In applications that support Add-On Entitlements you could have a 10 concurrent connections platform entitlement and need to expand beyond 10 connections, for example to 22 concurrent connections, you would then use the 10 concurrent connections platform entitlement and three +5 Add-On entitlements.
- Additive Entitlement can be mixed to achieve larger combinations. They can be purchased separately and added together at a later time. Additive Entitlements can be allocated without an underlying Platform Entitlement.
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