- Getting started
- Using the software
- Graphic and layout objects
- Developing solutions
- Developing projects with C#
- Application examples
- UI tutorial
- NetLogic tutorial
- Object and variable references
Create the contact form interface
Create the contact form interface and integrate it with the NetLogic.
- InProject view, expandUI.
- Create labels:
- Create four labels by right-clickingMainWindow (type)and selecting .
- Rename the labels by hovering-over each label, selecting, and entering:Edit
- ContactForm
- EmailLabel
- SubjectLabel
- BodyLabel
- SelectContactFormand inProperties, setTexttoContact Form.
- SelectEmailLabeland inProperties, setTexttoEmail.
- SelectSubjectLabeland inProperties, setTexttoSubject.
- SelectBodyLabeland inProperties, setTexttoBody.
- Create text boxes:
- Create three text boxes by right-clickingMainWindow (type)and selecting .
- Rename the text boxes by hovering-over each text box, selecting, and entering:Edit
- EmailBox
- SubjectBox
- BodyBox
- Create the Send button:
- Right-clickMainWindow (type)and select .
- Hover-over the button, select, and enterEditSendButton.
- InPropertiessetTexttoSend.
- InEvent viewsetMouseClickEvent, selectand select .Add
- Create dynamic links between:
- replyToAddressand .
- mailSubjectand .
- mailBodyand .
For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.
- Arrange the interface elements.

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