Configure the debugger

Configure the debugger

Configure the Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code debugger.
  1. From the main toolbar, select Open .NET Solution.
    The default external code editor opens.
    TIP: We recommend using Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 or Microsoft Visual Studio Code as the default code editor. Some development assistance features may not be available when using a different code editor.
  2. If you use Visual Studio:
    1. From the
      menu, select
      Attach to Process
      A window that shows all processes running on the machine appears.
    2. Next to
      Attach to
      , click
      and select
      . Select
    3. In
      Available Process
      , select either:
      Debugs a runtime NetLogic.
      Debugs a design-time NetLogic.
    4. Select
      The debug mode starts.
  3. If you use Visual Studio Code:
    1. Open the pane by pressing
    2. From the list at the top of the pane, select either:
      Attach to FTOptixRuntime (NetSolution)
      Debugs a runtime NetLogic.
      Attach to FTOptixStudio (NetSolution)
      Debugs a design-time NetLogic.
    3. Select
      Start Debugging
      or press
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