Update FactoryTalk Optix Studio

Update FactoryTalk Optix Studio

FactoryTalk Optix Studio desktop version
to the most recent version.
  • You can update
    FactoryTalk Optix Studio
    from either the:
  • Application:
    1. Open
      FactoryTalk Optix Studio
    2. At the top, select Settings.
    3. In
      FactoryTalk Optix Studio Options
      , select
      Update FactoryTalkOptix
      The download site opens in your web browser.
    4. Download the most recent version of
      FactoryTalk Optix Studio
    5. Double-click the downloaded file and follow the installation wizard.
  • Download site:
    1. Download the most recent version of
      FactoryTalk Optix Studio
      installer from
      FactoryTalk Hub
    2. Double-click the downloaded file and follow the installation wizard.
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