Graphic object organization

Graphic object organization

The hierarchy of the user interface is organized in a tree. Container objects in the tree can contain other objects. The position of objects determines the position of an object at both design time and runtime.


Window is the root container graphic object. It must be present for a
to have a user interface. The
object contains all of the objects in the user interface and the logic of those objects. You can create multiple Window objects to use with different presentation engines. The
is an object type and cannot have instances.


A  panel is a type of container that combines relevant graphic objects.

User interface navigation

Create navigation within a user interface using graphic objects such as
Navigation Panel
Dynamic Panel
, and customized logic within NetLogic. Objects dedicated to navigation contain mechanisms and logic to navigate between different panels. Navigation objects create and delete nodes based on user navigation at runtime.


Widgets are reusable graphic objects. Widgets allow you to consistently present identical node structures at runtime. Widgets also allow you to efficiently manage node structures at design time. A widget can be a single graphic object or a group of graphic objects. Widgets include all of the logic that is created with dynamic links or NetLogic.
TIP: To associate different data with various instances of the same widget, use an alias.
For example, a
widget might consist of a panel containing a
Circular Gauge
object that displays speed, and two labels for speed and torque. You can create a widget for each motor that has values you want to display. A widget is an object type. Therefore, any changes, including format, that you make to the widget automatically apply to all instances of the widget. Use different widget instances to create complex and manageable modules.
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