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Create a certificate
To communicate securely, OPC UA applications must have appropriate public certificates and corresponding private keys.
- In the FactoryTalk Optix title bar, select the drop-down arrow afterFactoryTalk Optix StudioOptionsand selectCreate certificate.
- UnderSubject, complete:
- Common name. The name of the URL.
- Organization. The name of your organization.
- Organization unit. The division in your organization for which you are creating the certificate.
- Locality. The city where your organization is located.
- State. The name of the state or province where your organization is located.
- Country. The country where your organization is located.
- UnderOPC UA information, complete:
- Application URI. The globally unique URI for the application.
- Domain names. The hostname of the devices on which the application is run. IP addresses.
- IP addresses. The IP addresses on which the application will run.
- UnderCertificate settings, complete:
- RSA key strength. The size, in bits, of the RSA key.IMPORTANT:TheRSA key strengthandSignature algorithmvalues are compatible with the OPC UA security policies that you set in the OPC UA server and OPC UA client objects.The higher theRSA key strengthandSignature algorithmvalues, the greater the use of resources for the encryption and decryption of messages between the server and client.
- Signature algorithm. Algorithm that will create the certificate.
- Expiration date. The SSL expiration date.
- InName, enter the name of the certificate.
- InLocation, enter or browse to the location to store the certificate.
- SelectCreate.
We recommend backing up the certificate to a personal folder, outside the project.
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