View alarms in standard time zone
To view alarms in standard time zone, you can display alarms events in the
Alarm Grid
and Alarm History Grid
in the standard UTC time zone. Configure the time zone for the grid object in Template Libraries
.- SelectTemplate Libraries.
- InTemplate Libraries, selectWidgets.
- DragAlarm gridorAlarm history gridfromWidgetsto the desired node in theUIfolder.
- InTemplate Libraries, selectClose.
- InProject view, expand the alarm grid and selectAlarmsDataGrid.
- inProperties, expandTimestamp, .
- In theTextproperty, right-clickComplex Dynamic Linkand then selectReset value.
- SelectChange Dynamic Link.
- In the Dynamic Links window, configure either:
- Alarm Grid. ExpandAliases, select{Item}[…] >AlarmCondition, and then select theTimevariable.
- Alarm History Grid. ExpandAliases, select{Item}[…]>PointedNode, and then selectLocalTime. AfterLocalTime, select
and then type
- ClickSelect.
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