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- Object and variable references
Create buttons for switching locales
Create a button that changes the interface language to English and a button that changes the interface language to Polish.
- Create the buttons:
- InProject view, create two buttons by right-clickingMainWindow (type)and selecting .
- Rename the buttons by hovering-over each button, selecting, and entering:
- USLocaleButton
- PLLocaleButton
- Configure the English locale button:
- InProject view, selectUSLocaleButton.
- InProperties, setTexttoEnglish.
- InEvents, next toMouseClick eventselectand select .
- UnderInput arguments, create a dynamic link betweenVariableToModifyand .TIP: You can select thevalues from the@AttributeAttributedrop-down menu at the bottom of the dialog.For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.
- UnderInput arguments, setValuetoen-US.
- Configure the Polish locale button:
- InProject view, selectPLLocaleButton.
- InProperties, set theTextproperty value toPolish.
- InEvents, next toMouseClick eventselectand select .
- UnderInput arguments, create a dynamic link betweenVariableToModifyand .TIP: You can select thevalues from the@AttributeAttributedrop-down menu at the bottom of the dialog.For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.
- UnderInput arguments, setValuetopl-PL.
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