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Export a database table to a CSV file
You can use the Generic Table Exporter script to export the contents of a table to a CSV file.
- To export a database table to a CSV file
- From the toolbar, selectand search forTemplate LibrariesGeneric Table Exporter.
- FromLibraries, underComponents, dragGeneric Table ExportertoNetLogicinProject view.
- InProperties, complete:
- CSVPath. The path to the CSV file to which the alarms history will be exported.
- FieldDelimiter. A character used to delimit values of a row.
- Table. A database table.
- Query. An SQL query to filter data. For more information, see Compose SQL queries.
- WrapFields.
- Associate theExportmethod ofGenericTableExporterwith an event.For example, associate theExportmethod with theMouseClick eventof a button.
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