Configure the OPC UA client

Configure advanced properties of an OPC UA client.
  1. To configure the OPC UA client
  2. In
    Project view
    , select an OPC UA client.
  3. In
    , configure the OPC UA client settings.
    • Events
      • None
        . Listen for no events.
      • All
        . Listen for all events.
      • Alarms
        . Listen for alarm events only.
    • Synchronize the Node IDs on start
      . Synchronize the NodeIDs of the OPC UA nodes that are imported at design time. Synchronize the NodeIDs with the same nodes on the OPC UA server to which the OPC UA client connects at runtime.
      TIP: If the situation on the server is not known, set
      Synchronize the Node IDs
      on start to
    • Max array length
      . The maximum number of elements in an array.
      TIP: If OPC UA clients have different
      Max array length
      values, the
      Max array length
      value of the first OPC UA client is applied for all clients.
    • Server endpoint URL
      . The communication protocol and network address of the endpoint on the OPC UA server.
    • Verify server identity
      • True
        . Accept the certificate only if the certificate is trusted.
      • False
        . Temporarily accept the certificate even if the certificate is not trusted.
    • Minimum message security mode
      • None
        . The messages may be unsigned and unencrypted.
      • Signature
        . The messages must be signed or signed and encrypted.
      • Signature and encryption
        . The messages must be signed and encrypted.
    • Minimum security policy
      • None
        . The OPC UA client does not require any specific security policy.
      • Basic256Sha256
        . The OPC UA client requires this policy or a more secure policy.
      • Aes128_Sha256_RsaOaep
        . The OPC UA client requires this policy or a more secure policy.
      • Aes256_Sha256_RsaPss
        . The OPC UA client requires this policy.
    • Client certificate file
      . The public
      certificate file of the OPC UA client (X509v3).
      TIP: The client certificate file must be in the
    • Client private key file
      . The private
      key file of the OPC UA client encoded with ASCII Base64.
      TIP: The client private key file must be in the
    • Application URI
      . A URI that globally identifies the application instance.
    • Application name
      . A legible ID of the application instance, which may not be unique.
    • Product URI
      . A URI that globally identifies the software.
    • User identity type
      • Anonymous
        . No information available on the user.
      • User/Password
        • Username
          . The name of the user.
        • Password
          . Password of the user.
      • Certificate
        • User certificate file
          . The public
          certificate file of the user (X509v3).
          TIP: The public certificate file of the user must be in the
        • User private key file
          . The private
          key file of the user encoded with ASCII Base64.
          TIP: The private key file of the user must be in the
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