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Create an engineering units dictionary
Create an engineering units dictionary to define custom engineering units. Use custom engineering units in analog variables and in the measurement systems map.
For example, express the number of pieces produced in 1 hour in beats per minute using custom units of measure.
- To create an engineering units dictionary
- InProject view, right-click theModelfolder and select .TIP: You can create theEngineering unit dictionaryin folders other thanModel.
- Double-clickEngineeringUnitDictionary#.
- To add a custom engineering unit row, select.
- To edit a custom engineering unit row, edit the row cells.TIP: The unit conversion uses the linear expressiony = mx + q, whereXis the input value,Mis the slope, andQis the intercept that calculates theYoutput result.
- Physical dimension. The reference quantity for the non-standard unit of measure.
- Reference unit. A standard unit that you base the custom unit on. For example,hertz [Hz]. Blank ifPhysical dimensionis set toNone.
- Unit id. A unique identifier of the custom unit. For example,1.
- Display name. The name of the custom unit. For example,bpm.
- Description. The description of the custom unit. For example,Beats per minute.
- Slope. The conversion coefficient to convert the standard unit value to the custom unit value.
- Intercept. The value to add to the referenced unit of measure.
- Result. Automatically generated comparison between the reference unit and the custom unit. Blank ifPhysical dimensionis set toNone.
- (optional) To delete a custom engineering unit, select a cell in the engineering unit row and select.Delete
Physical dimension | Reference unit | Unit id | Display name | Description | Slope | Intercept | Result |
Frequency | hertz [Hz] | 1 | bpm | Beats per minute | 60 | 0 | 1 Hz = 60 bpm |
Physical dimension | Reference unit | Unit id | Display name | Description | Slope | Intercept | Result |
None | 2 | Chicken/m 2 (Chicken/m2 ) | Chicken per square meter | 0.0929 | 0 |
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