Configure the authentication mode

Change the default authentication mode to allow local users and domain users to log on at runtime.
To allow Active Directory users to authenticate, either:
  • Obtain the Active Directory domain name and server address.
  • Ensure that the
    client is joined to the Active Directory domain.
To allow LDAP users to authenticate, obtain:
  • LDAP server address
  • CA certificate file
  1. To configure the authentication mode
  2. In
    Project view
    , select the root node.
  3. In
    , expand
    , and then in
    Authentication mode
    , select the authentication type that allows specific users to log on:
    • Model only
      . Users created in
      FactoryTalk Optix Studio
    • Local only
      . Local machine users.
    • Domain only
      . Active Directory and LDAP users.
    • Domain and local
      . Active Directory, LDAP, and local machine users.
    • Any
      . Users of any type.
  4. (optional) Set
    to change the default folder to contain user objects.
    TIP: The default folder to contain user objects is
    . When a domain user logs in at runtime, a corresponding user object appears in the folder specified.
  5. (Domain only) In
    Default domain name
    , enter the default domain name for domain users that log on at runtime.
    TIP: If you leave Default domain name blank, the domain name is set based on the Active Directory domain joined by the
    client or retrieved from the LDAP server.
  6. ( Doma in only) In
    Default server address
    , enter the Active Directory or LDAP server address.
    TIP: If you leave Default server address blank, the Active Directory server address is set based on the Active Directory domain joined by the
    TIP: If you do not specify the port in the server address, the default 389 port is used.
  7. (LDAP only) In
    CA certificate file
    , select
    and select the certificate file.
    To find items, start typing the item name to find in
    Select file
    If the file does not appear in
    Select file
    , select
    Import file(s)
    and in
    Import file(s)
    , select the file to import and then choose
    TIP: If you leave CA certificate file blank, the local
    machine is used to authenticate the user. CA certificate file is required to authenticate against a specific LDAP server or use a Linux client.
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