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- NetLogic
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Set up Direct Drives Connectivity
- Create or open a project.
- From the toolbar, select, and from theTemplate LibrariesScripts Libraryselect theDirect Drive Connectivityscript.
- Drag theDirect Drive Connectivityscript to theNetLogicfolder in the project structure.TheNetLogicfolder is updated with the following objects:
- NetLogic[Folder]
- UpdateRateEnum[DataType]
- DriverTypeEnum[DataType]
- DirectDriveConnectivity[Folder]
- DriveConnectionDesignTimeNetLogic[NetLogic Script]
- DriveConnectionRuntimeNetLogic[NetLogic Script]
- Navigate to the Product Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC), and selectDownload by Product.
- In the search field, enterOptix
- SelectFactoryTalk Optix, and selectDownloads.
- Choose theSelect Filescheck box .
- Download and extract the packageDirect_Drive_Connectivity_v1.00.00.zipon the local drive.
- Openconfig.xml, and modify required settings:
- Provide the FactoryTalk Optix Studio location path.
- Provide the FactoryTalk Optix Studio installation path.
For example:
where:<Settings> <!--Enter proper path to your FT Optix Studio folder (for example: C:\Program Files\Rockwell Automation\FactoryTalk Optix\Studio)--> <FTOptixStudioPath>C:\Program Files\Rockwell Automation\FactoryTalk Optix\Studio</FTOptixStudioPath> <!--Enter proper path to your FT Optix project folder (for example: C:\Users\User1\Documents\Rockwell Automation\FactoryTalk Optix\Projects\NewHMIProject)--> <FTOptixProjectPath>C:\Users\User1\Documents\Rockwell Automation\FactoryTalk Optix\Projects\NewHMIProject</FTOptixProjectPath> </Settings>C:\Program Files\Rockwell Automation\FactoryTalk Optix\Studiois the FactoryTalk Optix Studio location path.C:\Users\User1\Documents\Rockwell Automation\FactoryTalk Optix\Projects\NewHMIProjectis the FactoryTalk Optix Studio installation path. - In PowerShell, run theinstall.batscript file.TIP: You may need to adjust theWindows®PowerShell execution policy to enable the script.The NuGet package is injected to your project defined in theconfig.xmlfile.
direct drive
direct drive connectivity
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