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Extended properties
Use extended properties to add extra information to tags and data types.
Extended properties help reduce the number of tags to create. If an individual tag is configured with extended properties, use the extended properties on this tag to display the name, description, engineering units, limits, and state values of the tag.
Extended properties include:
- Name
- The name of the tag or data type, limited to 40 characters.
- Description
- The description of the tag or data type, limited to 128 characters.
- Engineering Units
- The units of measurement, such as degrees Celsius, pounds, and pounds per square inch, associated with a tag or tag structure or array member. The Engineering unit is limited to 80 characters.
- Minimum
- The minimum (low) value of a tag or tag structure or array member. Use Minimum with the Maximum property to create a high and low limit for a DINT, INT, LINT, SINT, REAL, LREAL, UDINT, UINT, ULINT, and USINT tag. The Minimum property value must be less than or equal to the Maximum property value.
- Maximum
- The maximum (high) value of a tag or tag structure or array member. Use Maximum with the Minimum property to create a high and low limit for a DINT, INT, LINT, SINT, REAL, LREAL, UDINT, UINT, ULINT, and USINT tag. The Maximum property value must be more than or equal to the Minimum property value.
- State 0
- The State 0 identifier associated with the tag or tag structure or array member. Use State 0 with the State 1 property to describe two states of a BOOL tag. For example, State0 is Start and State1 is Stop for a status state. The identifier is limited to 80 characters.
- State 1
- The State 1 identifier associated with the tag or tag structure or array member. Use State 1 with the State 0 property to describe two states for a BOOL tag. The identifier is limited to 80 characters.
The extended properties available for a selected tag depend on the data type of the tag. The HMI device does not display passed-through extended properties of aliased Logix Designer tags.
Engineering Unit, State0 and State1 extended tag properties that have empty values are available when using online tag importing only. Specify a default value to make the property available for offline and online tag importing.
Extended properties for PlantPAx Process Instructions are available when using online tag importing only. Offline tag importing will be supported with a future version of Logix.
extended property
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