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Configure a spin box
Add a spin box object and edit its properties.
- InProject view, inUI, right-click a container to contain the spin box, and then select .
- (optional) InProperties, adjust the spin box settings:
- Value. Starting value. Either a numerical value or a dynamic link to a variable with a numerical value.TIP: If you dynamically link theValueproperty with a variable and enter a new value at runtime, the new value will be automatically converted to the linked variable data type. For example, if you link to a variable of a UInt32 data type and enter1.6into the spin box, the entered value will be rounded up to2.0.For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.
- Minimum value. Minimum value that you can set for the spin box.TIP: If the value is outside theMinimum valueandMaximum valuerange, the spin box border turns red for a brief moment and the value reverts to the previous value.
- Maximum value. Maximum value that you can set for the spin box.
- Increment. Value by which to increase or decrease the value when you use the buttons to increment the value.
- Input format. Format of displayed value.Allowed values are as follows:Numeric (Double Float Int16 Int32 Int64 Integer UInt16 UInt32 UInt64 UInteger)FormatDescriptionExampledNumerical, without thousands separator.After the format placeholder, the number of decimal places is configured with an integer (without padding).
- d: -1234 ► -1234
- d: 5.618 ► 5618
- d2: 1,234.239 ► 1234.24
nNumerical, with thousands separator.After the format placeholder, the number of decimal places is configured with an integer (without padding).- n1: -1234.23 ► -1,234.2
- n2: 5804.236 ► 5,804.24
- n3: -1234.23 ► -1,234.230
eExponential notation.After the format placeholder, the number of decimal digits is configured with an integer.- e10: 12345.6789 ► 1.2345678900E4
- e2: 2665.778 ► 2.67E3
fFixed-point notation.After the format placeholder, the exact number of decimal places is configured with an integer.- f3: 123 ► 123.000
- f3: 123.23 ► 123.230
- f4: -1898300.678 ► -1,898,300.6780
- f3: 123.4 ► 123.400
pPercentage.After the format placeholder, an integer is used to configure the number of decimal places.- p: 1 ► 100%
- p3: -0.397481 ► -39.748%
xHexadecimal notation.255 ► ffbBinary notation.107 ► 1101011oOctal notation.56 ► 70 - Editable. Enable entering the spin box value with keyboard keys.TIP: Even ifEditableis set toFalse, you can still use spin box buttons to increase or decrease the spin box value.
- Show buttons. Display buttons to increase or decrease the value.
spin box
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