Configure a scale layout

Configure a scale layout

To configure a scale layout, add a scale layout object and child objects and then change the properties of the scale layout.
  1. In
    Project view
    , right-click the node to contain the scale layout object and select
    Scale layout
    For example, add the scale layout under
    MainWindow (type)
  2. (optional) Hover-over the scale layout, select
    , and then enter a custom name for the object.
  3. Add or move child graphic objects under the scale layout.
    For more information on how to move graphic objects, see Move a node.
    For example, add buttons under the grid layout to create a grid of buttons. See Button.
  4. In
    Project view
    , double-click the scale layout object, and in
    , complete:
    • Fill Mode
      . Select
      to keep the original aspect ratio of child objects when you resize the scale layout object; Select
      to disregard the original aspect ratio of child objects when you resize the scale layout object.
    • Font scaling
      . Scale the font size of child objects as you resize the scale layout container.
    • Horizontal alignment
      . Set to
      to resize the scale layout horizontally when the parent container resizes.
    • Vertical alignment
      . Set to
      to resize the scale layout object vertically when the parent container resizes.
    • Original width
      Original height
      . Determine the starting size of the scale layout object.
      IMPORTANT: The
      Original width
      Original height
      properties are only visibly if you double-click the scale layout object in
      Project view
      TIP: You can also adjust
      Original width
      Original height
      by resizing the scale layout container in the editor.
    • (optional)
      Left margin
      Top margin
      Right margin
      Bottom margin
      . Set margins for the scale layout object.
For an example of scale layout implementation, see Scale layout
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