- Getting started
- Creating projects
- Graphic objects
- Predefined graphic objects
- Object and variable references
- Extending projects
- NetLogic
- Tutorials
- Dynamic links tutorial
- Graphic objects tutorial
- NetLogic tutorial
- OPC UA tutorial
Add navigation buttons
Add back, forward, and refresh buttons for the
Web browser
- To add navigation buttons
- Create threeButtonobjects.
- Set theTextproperties of the buttons to:
- Back
- Forward
- Refresh
- Select theBackbutton, and inEvents, next toMouseClickEvent, selectand select theNavigateBackmethod of theWeb Browserobject.
- Select theForwardbutton, and inEvents, next toMouseClickEvent, selectand select theNavigateNextmethod of theWeb Browserobject.
- Select theRefreshbutton, and inEvents, next toMouseClickEvent, selectand select theRefreshmethod of theWeb Browserobject.
Provide Feedback