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- NetLogic
- Tutorials
- Dynamic links tutorial
- Graphic objects tutorial
- NetLogic tutorial
- OPC UA tutorial
Add an OPC UA client
Configure an OPC UA client to import nodes at design time from an OPC UA server.
- From the toolbar, select.Open dashboard page
- SelectConfigure communications to devices.
- SelectNew OPC UA client.
- (optional) Edit the name of the OPC UA client.
- SelectNext.
- UnderProperties, configure basic OPC UA client settings and selectNext.
- Server endpoint URL. The communication protocol and network address of the endpoint on the OPC UA server.
- Minimum message security mode:
- None. Messages may be unsigned and unencrypted.
- Signature. Messages must be signed or signed and encrypted.
- Signature and encryption. Messages must be signed and encrypted.
- Minimum security policy:
- None. The OPC UA client does not require any specific security policy.
- Basic256Sha256. The OPC UA client requires this policy or a more secure policy.
- Aes128_Sha256_RsaOaep. The OPC UA client requires this policy or a more secure policy.
- Aes256_Sha256_RsaPss. The OPC UA client requires this policy.
- Client certificate file. The publicDERcertificate file of the OPC UA client (X509v3).TIP: The client certificate file must be in theFTOptixApplication/ProjectFiles/PKI/Own/Certs/folder.
- Client private key file. The privatePEMkey file of the OPC UA client encoded with ASCII Base64.TIP: The client private key file must be in theFTOptixApplication/ProjectFiles/PKI/Own/Certs/folder.
- SelectNext.
- Configure the NodeSet import:
- To import the NodeSet in the online mode, set the toggle toOnline.TIP: The online mode relies on theServer endpoint URLvalue of the OPC UA client object. SelectRefreshto refresh the nodes published by the OPC UA server.
- To import tags in the offline mode, set the toggle toOfflineand inFile path, enter the path to theXMLfile with the NodeSet.
- Select the nodes to import and then selectNext.
- (optional) To configure another OPC UA client, selectConfigure another deviceand repeat the procedure.
- SelectExit.
Project view
, in the OPC-UA
folder, the configured OPC UA client object appears.- (optional) Configure advanced OPC UA client properties. See Configure the OPC UA client.
- (optional) Configure the nodes to import at runtime. See Import nodes at runtime.
opc ua client
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