- Getting started
- Creating projects
- Graphic objects
- Predefined graphic objects
- Object and variable references
- Extending projects
- NetLogic
- Tutorials
- Dynamic links tutorial
- Graphic objects tutorial
- NetLogic tutorial
- OPC UA tutorial
Create a project
A project contains elements with which a
FactoryTalk Optix Application
is made. You can create either a local project or a project from a remote location.- In the main toolbar, select.ProjectThe Start page opens.
- SelectNew.
- To create a local project, select the project type:
- Default. Create a project with all configured categories and a main window inProject view.
- OptixPanel. Create a project with all configured categories and a main window inProject view, in addition to:
- ASystemobject with a pre-configuredFT Remote Accesswidget to request access to the FactoryTalk Remote Access server and assistance from the FactoryTalk Remote Access application.
- ASettingsWidgetsfolder that containsNetwork Settings,Device Settings,Date & Time, andLoad Applicationwidgets.
- A main window that displays and allows you to navigate the default widgets at runtime as well as place your own content on the Home page of the window.
- Automatic language switching for widgets.
- An enabled virtual keyboard
To create a blank project that has no default content, inFactoryTalk Optix Studio Options, selectAdvanced modeand then restartFactoryTalk Optix Studioto selectBlankon the Start page. See Set options. - InName, type the name of the project.
- InLocation, type or browse to the project path.The default location is C:\Users\UserName\Documents\RockwellAutomation\FactoryTalk Optix\Projects.
- (optional) SelectUse version control.With version control enabled, you can back up the state of your project to a local repository and push local changes to a remote repository.TIP: In order to use version control, FactoryTalk Optix project names and repository names must match. Names must contain only alpha numeric characters, numerals, periods, dashes, and underscores.
- (optional) SelectEncrypt secretsto encrypt project passwords, custom objects that have thePasswordDataType, andYAMLfiles that represent the project information model.To enable theEncrypt secretsoption, log in toFactoryTalk Hub. For more information, see Project secrets encryption.
- UnderSet main window size, specify the width and height of the main window when you create projects:
- SelectCustom sizeand enter a newWidthandHeightfor a new custom window size. The default custom window size is 400 x 400 pixels.
- Select a pre-configured window size.
- Select anOptixPanelsize if you are creating an OptixPanel project.
- SelectCreate.
- (optional) To create a project from a remote location, below the project configurations at the top of the page, selectRemoteand then complete:
- Remote URL. Enter the URL of your remote repository supplied by your System Administrator to specify the remote project that you want to open.
- Location. Enter the folder on your local computer where you will save and commit changes before pushing them to the remote repository.
- SelectOpen.If you are signed in toFactoryTalk Optix, you do not have to know theRemote URLorLocation.Create a new projectautomatically displays all of the potential repositories accessible with your GitHub account and all of the remote projects that you can open.Opening project from remoteappears in the status bar and the new project opens with the same name as the remote repository.
The new project opens. If there was an existing project already open, the project opens in a new instance of
FactoryTalk Optix
optix panel
window size
version control
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