- Getting started
- Creating projects
- Graphic objects
- Predefined graphic objects
- Object and variable references
- Extending projects
- NetLogic
- Tutorials
- Dynamic links tutorial
- Graphic objects tutorial
- NetLogic tutorial
- OPC UA tutorial
Find text in a project
Search for specific object names or values in a project to quickly find objects.
- Either:
- From the toolbar, select.
- Press/Ctrl/Shift.F
- InFind or replace in Project, on theSearchtab, enter the text to find inFind what.
- (optional) InLook for, select:
- Anything. Search in names and values.
- Names. Search in names only.
- Values. Search in values only.
- (optional) InFolder, select the folder to search in.
- (optional) InScope, select either:
- Entire Project. Search in the entire project.
- Project items. Restrict the search scope to project items.
- .Net solutions. Restrict the search scope to NetLogic files and their contents. Selecting.Net solutionsdisables theFolderoption.
- (optional) Select or clear any of the following:
- Match Case. Restrict search to terms with specified capitalization.
- Whole Word. Search for whole words only.
- Regular Expression. Use regular expressions in the text to find. SelectingRegular Expressiondisables theMatch CaseandWhole Wordoptions.TIP: TheRegular Expressionfield supports the POSIX Basic Regular Expression syntax. For example, search forMotor.*Speedto find objects that start with "Motor" and end with "Speed", that include any characters in between.
- SelectFind.
Search results display in
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