Find text in a project

Find text in a project

Search for specific object names or values in a project to quickly find objects.
  1. Either:
    • From the toolbar, select
    • Press
  2. In
    Find or replace in Project
    , on the
    tab, enter the text to find in
    Find what
  3. (optional) In
    Look for
    , select:
    • Anything
      . Search in names and values.
    • Names
      . Search in names only.
    • Values
      . Search in values only.
  4. (optional) In
    , select the folder to search in.
  5. (optional) In
    , select either:
    • Entire Project
      . Search in the entire project.
    • Project items
      . Restrict the search scope to project items.
    • .Net solutions
      . Restrict the search scope to NetLogic files and their contents. Selecting
      .Net solutions
      disables the
  6. (optional) Select or clear any of the following:
    • Match Case
      . Restrict search to terms with specified capitalization.
    • Whole Word
      . Search for whole words only.
    • Regular Expression
      . Use regular expressions in the text to find. Selecting
      Regular Expression
      disables the
      Match Case
      Whole Word
      TIP: The
      Regular Expression
      field supports the POSIX Basic Regular Expression syntax. For example, search for
      to find objects that start with "Motor" and end with "Speed", that include any characters in between.
  7. Select
Search results display in
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