- Getting started
- Creating projects
- Graphic objects
- Predefined graphic objects
- Object and variable references
- Extending projects
- NetLogic
- Tutorials
- Dynamic links tutorial
- Graphic objects tutorial
- NetLogic tutorial
- OPC UA tutorial
Create a report
Create a report by adding a report object in
Project view
.- InProject view, right-clickReportsand then select .Reportsappears in#Project view.
- To rename the report, inProject view, hover over the report, select, and enter a new name.
- To change the format of all of the pages in the report, edit the values inProperties.
- InProject view, expand the report.
- InProject view, under the report, selectHeaderand edit the values inPropertiesto change the appearance of the header.
- Add panel sections to the report:
- InProject view, right-clickSectionsand select .
- SelectPanelSectionand edit the values in#Propertiesto change the appearance of the panel section.
- Right-click the panel section and selectto add a child object to the panel section.
- Edit the values of the child object inProperties.
- To add a data grid section to the report:
- InProject view, right-clickSectionsand select .
- SelectDataGridSectionand in#Properties, select the data to display and change the default appearance.
- To add a column, next toColumns, selectand select eitherText columnorImage column.
- To configure a column, under the column inProperties, set the title and change the default appearance.
- To remove a column, next to the column, select.Delete
TIP: To ensure that the report generates as expected, ensure that each data grid section has data to display. - To add a page break, inProject view, right-clickSectionsand select .
- To change the appearance of the footer, selectFooterand edit the values inProperties.TIP: To design the user interface of the header, panel section, data grid section, or footer, expand the report inProject viewand then double-click the object to edit the object in the editor for the object.
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