- Getting started
- Creating projects
- Graphic objects
- Predefined graphic objects
- Object and variable references
- Extending projects
- NetLogic
- Tutorials
- Dynamic links tutorial
- Graphic objects tutorial
- NetLogic tutorial
- OPC UA tutorial
Create a local project
Create a local project with version control to create the local project and a local repository on your computer. The local repository allows you to commit changes to your project and provides version control to view and restore previous versions of your project.
- If there is an openFactoryTalk Optixproject, selectand then selectProjectClose Project.
- SelectCloseor if there are changes to save, selectSave and close.
- On the Start page, selectNew.
- Select the type of project.
- InName, enter the name of the project.TIP: In order to use version control, FactoryTalk Optix project names and repository names must match. The project and repository names must contain only alpha numeric characters, numerals, periods, dashes, and underscores.
- InLocation, type the path to the project.
- SelectUse version control.TIP: When version control is enabled for a local project and you want to back up the project to a remote repository, push the local changes to associate the local project with a remote repository.
- SelectCreate.
Version control is added to the new project.
local project
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