Debugging NetLogics

Debugging NetLogics

Identify, investigate, and fix issues with runtime and design time NetLogics.
FactoryTalk Optix Studio
supports only .NET libraries with the .NET Standard 8 destination framework. To debug
FactoryTalk Optix Applications
Visual Studio®
Visual Studio Code®
, install .NET SDK.

Debugging approaches

You can either:

Troubleshooting common debugging issues

In case of errors with debuggers in external code editors:
  • Make sure that .NET solution compiles. In
    FactoryTalk Optix Studio
    , investigate the
    pane for .NET solution compilation errors and fix the NetLogic code if needed. See Output pane.
  • Make sure that you saved your project and NetLogics in both
    FactoryTalk Optix Studio
    and your external code editor.
  • Make sure that your
    FactoryTalk Optix Application
    uses the latest code. Run your
    FactoryTalk Optix Application
    again. See Deploy a FactoryTalk Optix Application.
  • Make sure that you attached the debugger to the right process.
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