- Getting started
- Creating projects
- Graphic objects
- Predefined graphic objects
- Object and variable references
- Extending projects
- NetLogic
- Tutorials
- Dynamic links tutorial
- Graphic objects tutorial
- NetLogic tutorial
- OPC UA tutorial
Set the default code editor
We recommend using
Visual Studio®
2022 or Visual Studio Code as the default code editor.
Some development assistance features may not be available when using a different code editor.
Download and install the preferred code editor.
- To set the default code editor
- InFactoryTalk Optix Studio, select.FactoryTalk Optix Studio Options
- In the dialog, from thePreferred code editordrop-down menu, select an option.TIP: TheAutomaticoption sets Visual Studio as the default editor. If Visual Studio is not available, Visual Studio Code is used as the default editor instead.
- RestartFactoryTalk Optix Studio.
code editor
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