System requirements

Use these system requirements to determine whether your computers can run
FactoryTalk® Optix
FactoryTalk Optix Applications

Hardware requirements for
FactoryTalk Optix Studio desktop editor

For optimal performance of
FactoryTalk Optix Studio desktop editor
, the computer should meet or exceed these hardware requirements:
  • Intel Core i5 Standard Power processor (i5-8xxx)
  • 8 GB of RAM memory
  • 20 GB free hard disk space

Software requirements for
FactoryTalk Optix Studio desktop editor

  • Windows 10 (x64), Windows 11 (x64), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, or Windows Server 2022
  • An external code editor to develop custom C# NetLogic code
    Rockwell Automation
    recommends using Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 or Microsoft Visual Studio Code as the default code editor. Some development assistance features may not be available when using a different code editor.

Software requirements for
FactoryTalk Optix Studio web editor

  • A web browser that supports
    FactoryTalk® Hub
    . Supported browsers include modern browsers, such as
    Google Chrome
    Microsoft Edge®
    . Older browsers, such as
    Internet Explorer®
    , might not function as expected.

Hardware requirements for
FactoryTalk Optix Applications

Hardware requirements for
FactoryTalk Optix Applications
may vary depending on the application and the type of device that runs the application.

Software requirements for
FactoryTalk Optix Applications

  • Windows 10 (x64), Windows 11 (x64), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022, or Ubuntu 22 (x64)
FactoryTalk Optix and FactoryTalk Optix Applications can run inside hypervisors such as VMware® version 15 or higher. For compatibility reasons, software rendering is used by default.
FactoryTalk Optix Applications
are supported on closed Rockwell Automation devices that include OptixPanels and Embedded Edge Compute which run Yocto (ARM64).
FactoryTalk Optix Studio
FactoryTalk Optix Applications
are supported on the following versions of Microsoft Windows operating systems, per the standard Rockwell Automation software policy:
  • Windows 10 Enterprise 2019 LTSC 64-bit
  • Windows 10 Enterprise 2021 LTSC 64-bit
  • Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit
  • Windows 10 Professional 64-bit
  • Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit
  • Windows 11 Professional 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2019 Datacenter
  • Windows Server 2019 Standard
  • Windows Server 2022 Datacenter
  • Windows Server 2022 Standard
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