Device registration to a domain

You must register a device to a domain before continuing with its configuration process.
The device registration procedure might differ, based on the firmware version of the device that you want to register.
If your device is a
Stratix 4300
featuring a firmware version older than or equal to 4.0.2
, proceed as follows:
  1. Access the FactoryTalk Remote Access Manager and select
    Domain view
  2. Select the domain folder in which you want to register your device.
  3. Select the
    circled plus
  4. Select
    Add device
  5. Select
    Add device locally
  6. In the
    Add device locally
    dialog window, enter the device user name and password.
    NOTE: These credentials are the same that you use to access the device System Manager.
    . A list displays the MAC addresses of the devices found on your network.
  7. Select the device that you want to add to your domain.
  8. Enter a device name in the
    Initial name
  9. Select
    NOTE: You might be prompted to log in to your account, if you have not done it yet.
  10. See Device Setup to configure your device.
If your device is one of the following:
  • Stratix 4300
    featuring a firmware version newer than 4.0.2
  • OptixPanel
    featuring a firmware version 4.0.4 or newer
  • Embedded Egde Compute Module featuring a firmware version 4.0.4 or newer
proceed as follows:
  1. Access the FactoryTalk Remote Access Manager and select
    Domain view
  2. Select the domain folder in which you want to register your device.
  3. Select the
    circled plus
  4. Select
    Add device
  5. Select
    Add device remotely
  6. In the
    Add device
    dialog window, enter the device ID and password.
  7. Select
    . The newly registered device is named
    <No name>
    in the previously selected folder and must be renamed.
  8. Rename the device.
  9. See Device Setup to configure your device.
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