Safe Brake Control (SBC)

This instruction only applies to the
Compact GuardLogix
5380 and
5580 controllers.
The Safe Brake Control (SBC) instruction:
  • Controls safety outputs that actuate a brake.
  • Sets timing between brake and Torque Off Request outputs.
  • Monitors brake feedback and I/O status.
Available Languages
Ladder Diagram
L5K_SBC_avail lang
Function Block
This instruction is not available in function block.
Structured Text
This instruction is not available in structured text.
Safe Brake Control Application
Use Safe Brake Control with safety I/O, and safety contactors, to control the brake and brake timing for STO. The following figure illustrates an application with an external brake mounted to a motor controlled using SBC, a GuardLogix controller, safety I/O, and a safety contactor.
SBC application.png
Unexpected operation may occur if:
  • Output tag operands are overwritten.
  • Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
  • Structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.
    • The rung-condition-in is false
    • An instruction fault occurs
    • The instruction restarts and:
      • STO to SBC delay is >= 0 and Brake Engage transitions from ON(1) to OFF(0).
      • STO to SBC delay is <0 and Brake Engage L transitions from ON(1) to OFF(0) and the STO to SBC timer expires.
    • The rung-condition-in is false
    • An instruction fault has occurs
    • The instruction has restarts and:
      • STO to SBC delay is > 0 and Brake Engage transitions from ON(1) to OFF(0).
      • STO to SBC delay is < 0 and Brake Engage L transitions from ON(1) to OFF(0) and the STO to SBC expires.
    • When STO to SBC delay is > 0, TOR transitions to ON(1) immediately after the input Engage Brake L transitions from ON(1) to OFF(0)
    • When STO to SBC delay is < 0 TOR transitions to ON(1) when:
      • Engage Brake transitions from ON(1) to OFF(0) and
      • The STO to SBC delay timer expires.
      • There are no faults for the SBC function.
The SBC Safety Control structure contains internal state information. If any of the configuration operands are changed while in run mode, accept the pending edits and cycle the controller mode from Program to Run for the changes to take effect.
The following table provides operands used for configuring the instruction.
Data Type
Safety Control
Data structure required for proper operation of instruction.
Restart Type
list item
This input selects the Restart Type for the instruction.
A 0 to 1 transition of the Reset input is required after Request has been removed to enable the instruction to operate.
The instruction will reset when he Request has been removed and no fault is present [FP]= OFF(0). Once reset, the instruction will be able to operate.
safety advisory
Only use Automatic Restart in applications where it is determined that no unsafe conditions occur from its use.
Brake Feedback Check Delay
Brake Feedback is continuously monitored during instruction execution. When the brake outputs change state the brake feedback 1 and 2 must change to the opposite state within the Brake Feedback Check Delay or the SBC instruction will fault.
Range: 5 to 2000
Units: milliseconds
When STO to SBC delay <= 0, then Brake Feedback Check delay must be Less than symbol (STO to SBC delay)|.
STO to SBC Delay
Instruction operand that determines the delay between TOR (Torque Off Request) and SBC. For positive values the TOR output is asserted ON(1) followed by BO1 and BO2 outputs asserted OFF(0) after the delay. For negative values the order is reversed, BO1 and BO2 outputs are asserted OFF(0) followed by TOR ON(1) after the delay.
Range: -32768 to 32767
Units: milliseconds
safety advisory
For applications where vertical loads are supported you must ensure that the STO to SBC Delay is a negative value and that the magnitude of the value is greater (longer) than the mechanical brake engage time.
: For negative values of STO to SBC Delay you must make the delay time longer than the Brake Feedback Check Delay to avoid an Invalid Configuration Fault.
The following table explains the instruction inputs.
Data Type
Brake Feedback 1
When the brake outputs BO1 and BO2 transition from ON(1) to OFF(0) or vice versa and the SBC rung-condition-in is true, this input must transition to opposite state of Brake Output within the Brake Feedback Check Delay Time. Once the Brake Check Delay has expired this input must remain in the opposite state. If these conditions are not met the SBC instruction will fault.
Brake Feedback 2
When the brake outputs BO1 and BO2 transition from ON(1) to OFF(0) or vice versa and the SBC rung-condition-in is true, this input must transition to the opposite state of Brake Output within the Brake Feedback Check Delay Time. Once the Brake Check Delay has expired this input must remain in the opposite state. If these conditions are not met the SBC instruction will fault.
Input Status
This operand monitors the status of the I/O providing inputs Brake Feedback 1 and Brake Feedback 2 signals to this instruction. This input must be ON(1) while the instruction is enabled.
Output Status
This operand monitors the status of the I/O providing physical outputs for (BO1) Brake Output 1 and (BO2) Brake Output 2 from this instruction. This input must be ON(1) while the instruction is enabled.
Brake Engage L
This operand engages the brake.
ON(1): Inactive state. Allows the SBC function to reset according to the Restart Type.
OFF(0): Engages the brake by setting BO1 and BO2 OFF(0) according to the STO to SBC Delay.
When Brake Engage L Transitions from ON(1) to OFF(0) the STO to SBC delay timer is started.
This operand resets the SBC function. An OFF(0) to ON(1) transition resets the SBC function and Fault Present (FP) provided the Brake Engage L is ON(1) and fault conditions are not present. The Reset Required (RR) output indicates when a reset is required to reset the function.
ISO 13849-1 stipulates instruction reset function must occur on falling edge signals. To comply with ISO 13849-1 requirements, add the logic immediately before this instruction. Rename ‘Reset Signal’ tag in this example to the reset signal tag name. Then use the OSF instruction Output Bit tag as the instruction’s reset source.
RSL5K_MMVC Reset-Signal Example_v31
This table explains instruction outputs. The outputs are external tags (safety output modules) or internal tags used in other logic routines.
Data Type
Brake Output 1 [BO1]
An active low redundant brake control output.
ON(1): Brake Output 1 Release Brake
OFF(0): Brake Output 1 Engage Brake
Brake Output 2 [BO2]
An active low redundant brake control output.
ON(1): Brake Output 2 Release Brake
OFF(0): Brake Output 2 Engage Brake
Torque Off Request [TOR]
This output is used as an activation source for Safe Torque Off.
ON(1): TOR request
OFF(0): SBC function resets.
Reset Required [RR]
ON(1): Perform a reset to restart the instruction and/or clear faults.
OFF (0): Normal operation under Automatic Restart operation.
Fault Present [FP]
ON(1): A fault is present in the instruction.
OFF (0): The instruction is operating normally.
Fault Type
Indicates the type of fault. See the Fault Codes and Corrective Actions section for specific codes and actions.
Diagnostic Code
Indicates information about the cause of a fault. See the Diagnostic Codes and Corrective Actions section for specific codes and actions.
This table explains instructions outputs that are written to the user-specified tag.
Data Type
SBC Active
The SBC instruction writes the SBC Active status to this tag.
OFF(0): SBC function is not active
ON(1): SBC function is active
Assign the SBC Active operand to the SBC Active member of the safety output tag structure corresponding to the motion safety instance of the drive module. The corresponding Axis Safety Status updates automatically in the drive axis tag structure to enable coordination of the motion task with the safety task.
Brake Engaged
The SBC instruction writes the brake status to this tag:
OFF(0): Brake released
ON(1): Brake engaged
Assign the SBC Active operand to the SBC Brake Engaged member of the safety output tag structure corresponding to the motion safety instance of the drive module. The corresponding Axis Safety Status updates automatically in the drive axis tag structure to enable coordination of the motion task with the safety task.
SBC Integrity
The SBC instruction writes the SBC brake status to this tag. SBC Integrity indicates that the SBC instruction is operating with no faults detected.
OFF(0): SBC fault. The brake status, released or engaged, is undetermined.
ON(1): No faults detected.
Assigned this tag to the SBC Integrity member of the safety output tag structure corresponding to the safety instance of the drive module. The corresponding Axis Safety Status RA updates automatically in the drive axis tag structure to enable coordination of the motion task with the safety task.
Do not write to any instruction output tag under any circumstances.
Affects Math Status Flags
Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for array-indexing faults.
Ladder Diagram
Action Taken
Outputs are initialized as:
Brake Output 1 [BO1]: OFF(0)
Brake Output 2 [BO2]: OFF(0)
Torque Off Request [TOR]: OFF(0)
SBC Active: OFF(0)
Brake Engaged: ON(1)
Fault Present [FP]: OFF(0)
Reset Required [RR]: OFF(0)
Fault Type: 1
Diagnostic Code: 0
SBC Integrity: OFF(0)
Rung-condition-in is false
.B01, .BO2, .TOR, .RR and .FP are cleared OFF(0)
If an instruction fault is present when the rung goes false, the fault condition remains and the diagnostic code appears
Rung-condition-in is true
The instruction executes.
The SBC instruction is used to control and monitor a mechanical brake. Timing between Safe Torque Off and brake operation is controlled by STO to SBC delay, which may be either positive or negative. Two timing cases showing STO to SBC delay > 0, and STO to SBC delay =<0 are illustrated in the sections that follow.
Pass-Through Tags
A Safe Motion Monitoring Drive has one or more motion axes that are controlled by a motion task. The Safe Motion Monitoring Drive also has one or more motion safety instances that support safety functions used in a safety task of a safety controller. Some of the tags associated with a drives motion safety instance are pass-through tags. The following table shows the pass-through tags and the corresponding axis tags for the SBC function:
SBC Instruction Output
Pass-Through Tags for Motion Safety Instance
Safe Motion Monitoring Drive Action
Axis Tag
SBC Active
updates tag
Brake Engaged
updates tag
SBC Integrity
updates tag
module is the name for the drive module in Logix Designer I/O Configuration tree
instance is 1 or 2 for dual axis drives otherwise null
axis is the axis name in the Logix Designer Motion Group and is associated with module
When assigning the SBC Active, Brake Engaged and SBC Integrity instruction outputs to the motion safety instance pass-through tags, the corresponding axis tags automatically update in the motion controller. The motion control task of motion controller reads the axis tags to coordinate operation between the safety task and motion task.
Normal Operation, STO to SBC Delay > 0, Automatic Restart
When the STO to SBC delay is > 0 Category 0 stopping is typically used. With Category 0 stopping, torque is removed from the motor first and then, after the STO to SBC Delay, the brake is applied. In this case the motor coasts before the brake is applied. Typically Torque Off Request output is used within a safety application to initiate the STO function in a drive safety instance. The STO function in the drive will immediately remove torque from the motor without motion coordination. SBC Active and Brake Engaged are passed from the drive safety instance to the drive Axis Safety Status tag so that the motion controller responds accordingly.
SBC operation is described as follows. Assuming the SBC function has been reset, the SBC function becomes active when Brake Engage L input is cleared OFF(0). Upon Brake Engage L cleared OFF(0), SBC active and Torque Off Request are set ON(1). At the same time, the STO to SBC delay timer is started. The STO to SBC delay allows the motor to coast before Brake Output 1 and Brake Output 2 are cleared OFF(0). Whenever the Brake Outputs 1 and 2 change state, the feedback check delay timer is started. When the feedback check delay timer expires, the Brake Feedback 1 and 2 inputs are monitored and must be at and remain at the opposite state of the Brake Outputs. When the Brake Outputs are OFF(0) and the Brake feedback is ON(1), the Brake Engaged Signal is set ON(1) after Feedback Check Delay. With automatic restart, shown in the diagram below, the SBC function is restarted and ready for subsequent operation if it is not faulted and the Brake Engage L input returns to the inactive state ON(1).
SBC Normal Operation, STO to SBC Delay 0, Automatic Restart_V31.png
Normal Operation, STO to SBC Delay Less than or equal to
0, Automatic Restart
When the STO to SBC delay is ≤ 0 typically the application will be using category 2 stopping. With category 2 stopping the motor is brought to a controlled stop, then actively held at standstill. With the motor held at standstill, SBC is activated, applying the brake first then after the STO to SBC delay, torque is removed. Torque is removed by use of the Torque Off Request output to initiate STO in the safety instance of a drive according to the particular Logix safety application. The SBC Active, SBC Integrity, and Brake Engaged outputs of the SBC instruction are sent to the drive safety instance, and then the associated axis status tag is updated. The motion controller application then reads the updated axis status tag and takes any required actions for the application.
SBC operation with STO to SBC Delay Less than or equal to 0 is described as follows. After the SBC function has been Reset, the SBC function begins when Brake Engage L is cleared OFF(0). Upon Brake Engage L OFF(0), the brake outputs, BO1 and BO2 are cleared OFF(0) and SBC active is set ON(1). At the same time the STO to SBC delay timer is started. The STO to SBC delay allows the brake to engage before the Torque Off Request is set ON(1). Whenever the Brake Outputs 1 and 2 change state, the feedback check delay timer is started. When the feedback check delay timer expires, the Brake Feedback 1 and 2 inputs are monitored and must be at and remain at the opposite state of the Brake Outputs. When the brake outputs are OFF(0) and the Brake feedback is ON(1), the Brake Engaged Signal is set ON(1) after Feedback Check Delay. With automatic restart, shown in the diagram below, the SBC function is reset and ready for subsequent operation if it is not faulted and the Brake Engage L input is set ON(1).
SBC Normal Operation STO to SBC Delay less than or equal to 0, Auto Restart
Manual Restart
When Manual Restart is used, the SBC function is begins operation with the ON(1) to OFF(0) transition of Brake Engage L. The function will be reset if it is not faulted, Brake Engage L is ON(1) and an OFF(0) to ON(1) transition of the Reset input occurs.
SBC Manual Restart
Cold Start
The SBC function requires manual cold start. When the controller run mode begins the SBC instruction starts with the Brake Outputs OFF(0) and waiting for Reset. The SBC function requires a successful reset in order to release the brake and allow subsequent operation similar to a Manual Restart. For a successful reset the conditions below must be satisfied before Reset makes an OFF(0) to ON(1) transition:
Brake Feedback 1: ON(1)
Brake Feedback 2: ON(1)
Input Status: ON(1)
Output Status: ON(1)
Brake Engage L: ON(1)
Faults and Fault Reset
The SBC instruction monitors the state of the brake feedback and the I/O module status bits continuously when the rung-condition-in is true. Faults are caused by invalid configuration, or by invalid inputs. Any condition that causes the SBC function to fault will clear Brake Output 1 and Brake Output 2 to OFF(0). The Brake Outputs will remain OFF(0) until the fault condition is corrected and the SBC instruction is reset. Torque Off Request Remains in its last state just before the fault.
Brake Feedback Faults
Anytime the Brake Outputs, BO1 and BO2 change state the Feedback Check Delay timer is started. When the timer is running, the Brake Feedback signals are ignored. When the timer is no longer running the Brake Feedback 1 and Brake Feedback 2 signals are continuously monitored. The Brake Feedback signals must be in the opposite state of the Brake Output signals, otherwise the SBC function will fault. In the figure below, the Brake Feedback signal did not change to the ON(1) state after the Brake Output 1 changes to the OFF(0) state and the Feedback Check delay expires. This results in a Fault and also clears OFF(0) the SBC Integrity bit. The figure shows an unsuccessful attempt to reset the instruction before the fault condition has been corrected followed by a successful reset after the fault has been corrected. The drive Axis tag, Safe Brake Integrity Status, is cleared when the fault condition is detected. Since the actual state of the brake cannot be determined when the fault is present, the SBC Torque Off Request will not be asserted. The motion task is then able to maintain control of the motor which may be necessary for some applications including those where gravity may cause motion.
SBC Brake Feedback Faults 1
If the brake feedback signal or I/O status signals are in the wrong state after the SBC function has been successfully reset then the SBC instruction will fault. The following figure shows the SBC function in Automatic Restart mode being reset initially by Brake Engage L set ON(1). Immediately upon reset the Brake Output 1 and 2 are set ON(1) and the Feedback check delay timer begins. After the timer expires, the Brake Feedback is in the incorrect state and SBC faults. In this case, the cause of the fault needs to be corrected in order for the instruction to not continue to fault after subsequent resets. In the figure, the fault is assumed to be corrected and does not fault again after the Reset OFF(0) to ON(1) transition and the final check delay time expires. For the case shown in the figure the fault indicates that the brake may have stayed engaged when it was supposed to be released. The SBC integrity is cleared to OFF(0) which will be reflected in the Axis tag, Safe Brake Integrity Status. This allows the motion task to keep the axis at standstill until the fault is corrected to avoid possible damage to system mechanical components.
SBC Brake Feedback Faults 2
Fault Codes and Corrective Actions
Fault Code
Corrective Action
No Fault
Invalid Configuration Fault
  • Check the input values and correct out of range values. Check the diagnostic code for more information
  • Reset the fault.
Brake Feedback Fault
  • Check the brake power, power wiring, safety contactor and or Brake Feedback wiring and correct any inconsistencies.
  • Ensure that the Brake Feedback Check delay is long enough for the Brake Feedback to settle to its final state after setting or releasing the brake.
  • Reset the fault.
Restart Attempt before Brake Engaged Fault
  • If SBC is delayed meaning STO to SBC delay is positive, and the delay timer is running, then SBC cannot be restarted until after the brake has been engaged. Check the timing of events in your program.
Diagnostic Codes and Corrective Actions
Diagnostic Code
Corrective Action
No diagnostic information available.
Rung went false while instruction was executing.
Make sure this instruction is enabled.
Brake Feedback Check Delay value not valid.
Check the speed scaling value.
The magnitude of the STO to SBC Delay value is less than Brake Feedback Check Delay (Only when STO to SBC Delay is less than 0).
Increase the Brake Feedback Check Delay, or make the STO to SBC Delay value longer.
Input Status input transitioned from ON (1) to OFF (0) while rung was true.
Check wiring to safety contactor.
Output Status input transitioned from ON (1) to OFF (0) while rung was true.
Check wiring to safety contactor.
Brake Feedback 1 and Brake Feedback 2 turned OFF (0) unexpectedly.
Check brake power and wiring.
Brake Feedback 1 turned OFF (0) unexpectedly.
Check brake power and wiring.
Brake Feedback 2 turned OFF (0) unexpectedly.
Check brake power and wiring.
Brake Feedback 1 and Brake Feedback 2 turned ON (1) unexpectedly.
Check brake power and wiring.
Brake Feedback 1 turned ON (1) unexpectedly.
Check brake power and wiring.
Brake Feedback 2 turned ON (1) unexpectedly.
Check brake power and wiring.
Brake Feedback 1 and Brake Feedback 2 did not turn ON (1) within the Brake Feedback Check Delay.
Check brake power and wiring.
Brake Feedback 1 did not turn ON (1) within the Brake Feedback Check Delay.
Check brake power and wiring.
Brake Feedback 2 did not turn ON (1) within the Brake Feedback Check Delay.
Check brake power and wiring.
Brake Feedback 1 and Brake Feedback 2 did not turn OFF (0) within the Brake Feedback Check Delay.
Check brake power and wiring.
Brake Feedback 1 did not turn OFF (0) within the Brake Feedback Check Delay.
Check brake power and wiring.
Brake Feedback 2 did not turn OFF (0) within the Brake Feedback Check Delay.
Check brake power and wiring.
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