DeviceNet Status Codes

The following are the DeviceNet Status Codes.
Status Code
Description of Status
Recommended Action
DeviceNet node address of scanner or slave device.
The AutoScan option is on and the scanner is in idle mode.
Scanner is Secondary scanner.
Primary scanner has detected no Secondary scanner.
Configure another scanner to be the Secondary scanner.
Primary and Secondary configurations are mismatched.
Check configuration of the Secondary scanner.
The address of the scanner is already in use by another device on the network.
Change the address of the scanner to an unused address.
Invalid data in scan list.
Use RSNetWorx software to reconfigure the scan list.
Slave device stopped communicating. If communication is not reestablished with the slave device during the next attempt, status code will change to 78.
  • Verify slave device’s power and network connections.
  • If slave device is polled, verify that interscan delay time is adequate for the device to return data.
  • Verify that slave device is functioning properly.
Slave device’s identity information does not match electronic key in scanner.
  • Make sure that the correct slave device is connected at this address.
  • Make sure that the slave device matches the specified electronic key (vendor, product code, product type).
  • Verify that slave device is functioning properly.
Scanner detected data overrun on DeviceNet communication port.
  • Check network communication traffic.
  • Verify that slave device is functioning properly.
Either or both of the following are present.
  • The scanner does not have a scan list.
  • The scanner has not received communication from any other device.
Verify that the scanner has the following.
  • A configured scan list.
  • A properly-wired connection to the network.
No direct network traffic for scanner. The scanner hears other network communication but does not hear any directed to it.
During initialization, the data size expected by the slave device does not match the size in the corresponding scan list entry.
  • Use
    software to check the slave device and the scan list for the correct input and output sizes for the slave device.
  • Verify that slave device is functioning properly.
Slave device is configured in scan list, but is not communicating.
  • Verify slave device’s power and network connections.
  • If the slave device is polled, make sure the interscan delay is long enough for the slave device to return its data.
  • If needed, use
    software to perform the following.
    • Add the slave device to the DeviceNet network.
    • Delete the slave device from scanner’s scan list.
    • Inhibit the slave device in the scanner’s scan list.
  • Verify that slave device is functioning properly.
Scanner has failed to transmit a message.
  • Make sure that the scanner is connected to a valid network.
  • Check for disconnected cables.
  • Verify network baud rate.
Scanner is in idle mode.
If desired, put scanner in run mode by doing the following.
  • Putting the controller in run/remote run mode using the keyswitch on the controller or through the
    Logix Designer
    application AND
  • Turning on bit O.CommandRegister.Run for the scanner.
Controller has set the scanner to faulted mode.
Bit O.CommandRegister.Fault for the scanner is on. Correct condition that caused controller to set this bit and then turn this bit off.
Error detected in sequence of fragmented I/O messages from slave device.
  • Use
    software to perform the following.
    • Check scan list entry for the slave device to make sure that its input and output data sizes are correct.
    • Check the configuration of the slave device.
  • Verify that slave device is functioning properly.
Slave device returns error responses when the scanner attempts to communicate with it.
  • Use
    software to perform the following.
    • Check the accuracy of the scan list.
    • Check the configuration of the slave device. The slave device may be in another scanner’s scan list.
  • Cycle power to the slave device.
  • Verify that slave device is functioning properly.
Scanner is initializing the DeviceNet network.
None. This code clears itself once the scanner attempts to initialize all the slave devices on the network.
During runtime, the data size sent by the slave device does not match the size in the corresponding scan list entry.
Since variable length poll data is not supported, verify that the slave device is functioning properly.
The slave device is in idle mode or not producing data while the scanner is in run mode.
  • Check the configuration and status of the slave device.
  • If you set up a master/slave relationship between 2 scanners, make sure both scanners are in run mode.
Scanner cannot listen to shared inputs from slave device because the owning scanner has not established communication with that slave device.
  • Verify the owning scanner connection and configuration.
  • Slave device may not be producing data.
Scanner cannot listen to shared inputs from slave device because I/O parameters (for example, polled or strobed, electronic key, data size) for that slave device are configured differently between this scanner and the owning scanner.
In this scanner, reconfigure the I/O parameters for the shared inputs scan list entry so that they match those same parameters in the owning scanner.
Scanner failed to configure a slave device using the Automatic Device Recovery (ADR) parameters.
Make sure that you installed a compatible slave device.
Controller has set the scanner to disabled mode.
If desired, enable the scanner by turning off bit O.CommandRegister.DisableNetwork for the scanner.
Bus-off condition likely due to cable or signal errors.
  • Cycle power to the scanner, slave device(s), and/or network.
  • Verify that all devices are set to the same baud rate.
  • Check DeviceNet cabling to make sure no short circuits exist between CAN (blue and white) wires and power or shield (black, red, and shield) wires.
  • Check the media system for the following noise sources.
    • Device located near high-voltage power cable.
    • Incorrect or no termination resistor used.
    • Improper grounding.
  • Device on network producing noise or incorrect data on the network.
DeviceNet cable not supplying power to the scanner’s communication port.
  • Verify the network’s 24V dc power supply is operating properly.
  • Verify good cable condition.
  • Check cable connections to the scanner.
The scanner’s firmware is being updated or a configuration is being downloaded.
None. Do not disconnect the scanner while the update is in process, otherwise, existing data in scanner memory will be lost.
The controller has placed the scanner in halt mode.
Bit O.CommandRegister.HaltScanner for the scanner is on. Turn this bit off and then cycle scanner power.
General firmware error.
Replace device.
System failure.
Replace device.
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