Module Faults: 16#0100 - 16#01ff

These are the module faults: 16#0100 - 16#01ff
Explanation and Possible Causes/Solutions
Connection Request Error: Module in Use.
  • The connection being accessed is already in use.
  • The controller is attempting to make a specific connection to a module and the module cannot support more than one of these connections.
  • The target of a connection recognizes that the owner is attempting to remake a connection that is already running.
Service Request Error: CIP transport class not supported.
  • The controller is requesting services not supported by the module.
  • The module in use (that is, the physical module) is different than the module specified in the I/O configuration tree and is therefore causing the connection or service to fail.
    The fault may occur even when the module passed the electronic keying test. This may result when Disable Keying or Compatible Module options were used in the module configuration instead of the Exact Match option.
    Despite passing the electronic keying test, the module being connected to does not have the same features or settings as the module specified in the I/O configuration tree and does not support the connection or service being attempted.
    Check the module in use and verify that it exactly matches the module specified in the I/O configuration tree of the
    Logix Designer
Connection Request Error: Module owned and configured by another controller. Module may accept only one connection if Unicast is used.
An ownership conflict occurred for the connection.
One of these conditions exists:
  • The Connection Request to this module has been rejected due to an Ownership conflict with another Owner (for example, another Controller). This may occur with modules such as output modules that only allow a single Owner to configure and control its outputs.
    This fault may also occur if the module is configured as Listen Only and supports only one connection.
  • If the Owner is connected to the module using a Unicast connection over EtherNet/IP, other connections to the module fail since the Owner controls the one connection.
    If the Owner is connected to the module using a Multicast connection over EtherNet/IP, Unicast connections to the module fail since the Owner controls the one connection.
    Configure both the Owner and the Listen-Only connection as Multicast.
Connection Request Error: Unknown type.
A connection being accessed was not found.
Connection Request Error: Connection type (Multicast/Unicast) not supported.
The controller is requesting a connection type not supported by the module.
One of these conditions exists:
  • The module in use (that is, the physical module) is different than the module specified in the I/O configuration tree and is therefore causing the connection or service to fail.
  • The fault may occur even when the module passed the electronic keying test. This may result when Disable Keying or Compatible Keying options were used in the module configuration instead of the Exact Match option.
    Despite passing the electronic keying test, the module being connected to does not have the same features or settings as the module specified in the I/O configuration tree and does not support the connection or service being attempted.
    Check the module in use and verify that it exactly matches the module specified in the I/O configuration tree of the
    Logix Designer
  • You may have configured a consumed tag to use a Unicast connection, but the producing controller does not support Unicast connections.
Connection Request Error: Invalid connection size.
Additional Error Information for this fault will be displayed as the tag name associated with the connection instance number that has the fault.
The connection size is inconsistent with that expected.
  • the controller is attempting to set up a connection with the module and cannot - the size of the connection is invalid.
  • the controller may be attempting to connect to a tag in a producing controller whose size does not match the tag in this controller.
  • the module in use (that is, the physical module) is different than the module specified in the I/O configuration tree and is therefore causing the connection or service to fail.
  • the fault may occur even when the module passed the electronic keying test. This may result when Disable Keying or Compatible Keying options were used in the module configuration instead of the Exact Match option.
    Despite passing the electronic keying test, the module being connected to does not have the same features or settings as the module specified in the I/O configuration tree and does not support the connection or service being attempted.
    Check the module in use and verify that it exactly matches the module specified in the I/O configuration tree of the
    Logix Designer
If the module is a 1756 ControlNet module, verify that the chassis size is correct.
For remote I/O adapters, verify that the rack size and/or rack density is correct.
Connection Request Error: Module not configured.
The controller is attempting to set up a Listen Only connection with the module and cannot - the module has not been configured and connected to by an Owner (for example, another Controller).
This controller is not an Owner of this module because it is attempting to establish a Listen Only connection, which requires no module configuration. It cannot connect until an Owner configures and connects to the module first.
Requested Packet Interval (RPI) out of range.
  • the Requested Packet Interval (RPI) specified is invalid for this module or for a module in the path to this module. See the Advanced tab to enable the RPI from the producer.
  • the module in use (that is, the physical module) is different than the module specified in the I/O configuration tree and is therefore causing the connection or service to fail.
    The fault may occur even when the module passed the electronic keying test. This may result when Disable Keying or Compatible Module options were used in the module configuration instead of the Exact Match option.
    Despite passing the electronic keying test, the module being connected to does not have the same features or settings as the module specified in the I/O configuration tree and does not support the connection or service being attempted.
    Check the module in use and verify that it exactly matches the module specified in the I/O configuration tree of the
    Logix Designer
  • for Listen Only connections: the RPI set by the owner of this module is slower than the one requested. Either increase the requested RPI or decrease the RPI the owner controller is using.
    See the Connection tab in the Module Properties dialog box for valid RPI values.
Connection Request Error: Module connection limit exceeded.
The number of connections is greater than what is available on the module. The number of connections must be reduced or the hardware must be upgraded.
To reduce the number of connections:
  • Change the Flex I/O communication adapter Comm Format from Input or Output configuration to
    Rack Optimization
    . When the Comm Format changes, the adapter must be removed and recreated in the I/O configuration tree.
  • If the configuration uses messaging over ControlNet, sequence the messages to reduce the number that are executing at the same time, or reduce the number of messages. Messages (MSG instructions) also use connections.
Electronic Keying Mismatch: Electronic keying product code and/or vendor ID mismatch.
The Product Code of the actual module hardware does not match the Product Code of the module created in the software.
Electronic Keying failed for this module. You may have a mismatch between the module created in the software and the actual module hardware.
Electronic Keying Mismatch: Electronic Keying product type mismatch.
The Product Type of the actual module hardware does not match the Product Type of the module created in the software.
Electronic Keying failed for this module. You may have a mismatch between the module created in the software and the actual module hardware.
Electronic Keying Mismatch: Major and/or Minor revision invalid or incorrect.
The Major and/or Minor revisions of the module do not match the Major and/or Minor revisions of the module created in the software.
Verify that you have specified the correct Major and Minor Revision if you have chosen Compatible Module or Exact Match keying.
Electronic Keying failed for this module. You may have a mismatch between the module created in the software and the actual module hardware.
Connection Request Error: Invalid Connection Point.
Additional Error Information for this fault appears as the tag name associated with the controller to controller (C2C) that has the fault.
The connection is to an invalid port or port that is already in use.
One of these conditions exists:
  • Another controller owns this module and has connected with a Communications Format different than the one chosen by this controller. Verify that the Communications Format chosen is identical to that chosen by the first owner controller of the module.
  • The module in use (that is, the physical module) is different than the module specified in the I/O configuration tree and is therefore causing the connection or service to fail.
    The fault may occur even when the module passed the electronic keying test. This may result when Disable Keying or Compatible Module options were used in the module configuration instead of the Exact Match option.
    Despite passing the electronic keying test, the module being connected to does not have the same features or settings as the module specified in the I/O configuration tree and does not support the connection or service being attempted.
    Check the module in use and verify that it exactly matches the module specified in the I/O configuration tree of the
    Logix Designer
  • The controller may be attempting to connect to a nonexistent tag in a producing controller.
Module Configuration Rejected: Format error.
An invalid configuration format is used.
One of these conditions exists:
  • The configuration class specified does not match the class supported by the module.
  • The connection instance is not recognized by the module.
  • The path specified for the connection is inconsistent.
  • The module in use (that is, the physical module) is different than the module specified in the I/O configuration tree and is therefore causing the connection or service to fail.
    The fault may occur even when the module passed the electronic keying test. This may result when Disable Keying or Compatible Module options were used in the module configuration instead of the Exact Match option.
    Despite passing the electronic keying test, the module being connected to does not have the same features or settings as the module specified in the I/O configuration tree and does not support the connection or service being attempted.
    Check the module in use and verify that it exactly matches the module specified in the I/O configuration tree of the
    Logix Designer
Connection Request Error: Module not owned.
The controlling connection is not open.
Where a Listen Only connection is requested, the controlling connection is not open.
Connection Request Error: Out of Connection Resources
The controller is attempting to set up a connection with the module and cannot - resources required are unavailable.
If the module is a 1756 ControlNet module, up to five controllers can make Rack Optimization connections to the module. Verify that this number has not been exceeded.
If the module is a 1794-ACN15, 1794-ACNR15, or 1797-ACNR15 adapter, only one controller can make a Rack Optimization connection to the module. Verify that this number has not been exceeded.
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