Auxiliary Valve Control (AVC)

This instruction applies to the Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380, and GuardLogix 5580 controllers.
The Auxiliary Valve Control (AVC) instruction controls an auxiliary valve that is used with the main clutch or brake valves of a press. This instruction is used when a delay is desired between the enabling or disabling of the main clutch or brake valves and an auxiliary valve (for example, a soft clutch or brake application). The clutch or brake can then be engaged in a two-step sequence providing pressure relief for smoother starting or stopping of the press. One AVC instruction is required for each function that is to be implemented. For example, if a delay is needed when starting and stopping a press, one AVC instruction controls the start delay and another AVC instruction controls the stop delay.
The timing of the auxiliary valve reaction is configurable. Also, the instruction can be set up to handle different valve types and positive or negative feedback signals.
It is not always desirable to allow the auxiliary valve reaction to be delayed. For example, in a press safety application, soft braking during the press downstroke is not allowed. For this reason, delays can be temporarily disabled by tuning the Delay Enable Input OFF (0).
Available Languages
Ladder Diagram
Function Block
This instruction is not available in function block.
Structured Text
This instruction is not available in Structured Text.
Unexpected operation may occur if:
  • Output tag operands are overwritten.
  • Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
  • Structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.
If changing instruction operands while in Run mode, accept the pending edits and cycle the controller mode from Program to Run for the changes to take effect.
The following table provides the operands used to configure the instruction. These operands cannot be changed at runtime.
Data Type
AVC structure
Feedback Type
Drop Down
This operand defines feedback OFF and ON states for positive and negative feedback.
Positive (1)
OFF (0): Output 1 OFF, Feedback 1 OFF.
ON (1): Output 1 ON, Feedback 1 ON.
Negative (0)
OFF (0): Output 1 OFF, Feedback 1 ON.
ON (1): Output 1 ON, Feedback 1 OFF.
Feedback Reaction Time
This operand specifies the amount of time that the instruction waits for the Feedback 1 input to reflect the state of Output 1 as defined by the Feedback Type operand.
The valid range is 5 to 1000 ms
Delay Type
This operand specifies where the auxiliary valve delay is to occur. See the timing diagrams below for details.
ON (1): The delay occurs when the Actuate input transitions from OFF (0) to ON (1).
OFF (0): The delay occurs when the Actuate input transitions from ON (1) to OFF (0).
Delay Time
This operand defines the time delay.
The valid range is 5 to 2000 ms.
Output Follows Actuate
This operand specifies how the auxiliary valve reacts to the Actuate input. See the timing diagrams below for details.
True: Output 1 changes state following the Actuate input.
False: Output 1 changes state opposite to the Actuate input.
The following table explains the instruction inputs. The inputs may be field device signals from input devices or derived from user logic.
Data Type
This input is the signal to actuate the valve. A change in state on this input causes Output 1 (the auxiliary valve) to react depending on the how the instruction is configured. See the timing diagrams below for more information.
ON (1): Output 1 energizes as specified by the Delay Type and Output Follows Actuate inputs.
OFF (0): Output 1 de-energizes as specified by the Delay Type and Output Follows Actuate inputs.
Delay Enable
This input indicates whether auxiliary valve delays are currently enabled. It can be used to temporarily disable auxiliary valve delays. If a delay of the auxiliary valve is not desired during any part of press operation, this input can be set to OFF (0).
ON (1): Delays are currently allowed.
OFF (0): Delays are not currently allowed and the auxiliary valve reacts immediately.
Feedback 1
This input is constantly monitored to make sure that it reflects Output 1. When Output 1 transitions, this input must react within the configured Feedback Reaction Time.
Input Status
tag immediate
If instruction inputs are from a safety I/O module, this value is the status from the I/O module or modules (Connection Status or Combined Status). If instruction inputs are derived from internal logic, it is the application programmer’s responsibility to determine the conditions.
ON (1): The inputs to this instruction are valid.
OFF (0): The inputs to this instruction are invalid.
Output Status
tag immediate
This input indicates the output status of the I/O module connected to this instruction.
ON (1): The output module is operating properly.
OFF (0): The output module is faulted or offline. Instruction outputs are set their safe state.
tag immediate
This input clears instruction faults provided the fault condition is not present.
ON (1): The Fault Present and Fault Code outputs are reset.
ISO 13849-1 stipulates instruction reset functions must occur on falling edge signals. To comply with ISO 13849-1 requirements, add this logic immediately before this instruction.
Rename the “Reset_Signal” tag in this example to the reset signal tagname. Then use the OSF instruction Output Bit tag as the instruction’s reset source.
The following table explains the instruction outputs. The outputs may be field device signals, or may be derived from user logic.
Data Type
Output 1 (01)
This output is used to control an auxiliary valve. Output 1 is de-energized when:
  • A valve feedback fault occurs as described in the Auxiliary Valve Feedback Fault section below.
  • Input Status or Output Status inputs turn OFF (0).
  • The normal operation of the instruction causes Output 1 to be de-energized as described in the timing diagrams starting in the Normal Auxiliary Valve Reaction (Delay Type = On) section below.
Fault Present (FP)
ON (1): A fault is present in the instruction.
OFF (0): The instruction is operating normally.
Fault Code
This output indicates the type of fault that occurred. See the AVC Fault Codes section below for a list of fault codes.
This operand is not safety-related.
Diagnostic Code
This output indicates the diagnostic status of the instruction. See the AVC – Diagnostic Codes below for a list of diagnostic codes.
This operand is not safety-related.
Do not write to any instruction output tag under any circumstances.
Normal Auxiliary Valve Reaction (Delay Type = On)
The following diagram shows a typical soft clutch setup where the auxiliary valve instruction is configured for an On-delay. When Actuate transitions from OFF (0) to ON (1) at (A), the delay timer starts if the Delay Enable input is ON (1). If the Output Follows Actuate input is True, Output 1 energizes once the delay period is over at (B). If the Output Follows Actuate input is False, Output 1 is energized only during the delay period. When the Actuate input transitions from ON (1) to OFF (0), Output 1 follows it and is de-energized immediately if the Output Follows Actuate input is True.
In a soft clutch application, the time period from (A) to (B) indicates the ‘soft’ part of the clutch engagement where there is pressure relief through the auxiliary valve. During this period, the main clutch valve is choked yielding a smoother clutch engagement.
Normal Auxiliary Valve Reaction (Delay Type = Off)
This example shows a typical brake setup where the auxiliary valve instruction is configured for an Off-delay. When the Acutate input transitions from OFF (0) to ON (1) at (A), Output 1 energizes immediately if the Output Follows Acutate input is True. When the Actuate input transitions from ON (1) to OFF (0) at (B), the delay timer starts if the Delay Enabled input is ON (1). If the Output Follows Actuate input is True, Output 1 remains energized until the delay period ends at (C). Output 1 is then de-energized. If the Output Follows Actuate input is False, Output 1 is energized only during the delay period.
In a soft brake application, the time period from (B) to (C) indicates the ‘soft’ part of the brake engagement, where there is pressure relief from the auxiliary valve. During this period, the brake valve is choked, yielding a smoother brake engagement.
Immediate Auxiliary Valve Reaction (Delay Type = On)
This example shows the Delay Enable input changing from ON (1) to OFF (0) during the On-delay phase. When the Actuate input transitions from OFF (0) to ON (1) at (A), the delay timer starts. Then, the Delay Enable input transitions from ON (1) to OFF (0) before the delay timer expires and Output 1 is immediately energized at (B).
Immediate Auxiliary Valve Reaction (Delay Type = Off)
This example shows the Delay Enable input changing from ON (1) to OFF (0) during the Off-delay phase. When the Actuate input transitions from ON (1) to OFF (0) at (A), the delay timer starts. Then, the Delay Enable input transitions from ON (1) to OFF (0) before the delay timer expires and Output 1 is immediately de-energized at (B).
Auxiliary Valve Feedback Fault
This timing diagram shows an example of a Feedback fault where the auxiliary valve did not react within the specified time with Delay Type = ON (1), Output Follows Acutate = True, and Feedback Type = Positive. When the Actuate input transitions from OFF (0) to ON (1) at (A), the delay timer begins. After the delay timer expires at (B), Output 1 is energized. At (C), the Feedback 1 input has not reacted within the specified Feedback Reaction Time, causing a fault. Output 1 is de-energized.
The Fault Present output is cleared at (D) because the Reset input has been asserted and the Feedback 1 input is in the correct state. However, Output 1 cannot be energized again until (E), when the Actuate input turns OFF (0).
False Rung State Behavior
When the instruction is executed on a false rung, all instruction outputs are de-energized.
Fault Codes and Corrective Alarms
The fault codes are listed in hexadecimal format followed by decimal format.
Fault Code
Corrective Action
No fault.
The Input Status input transitioned from ON (1) to OFF (0) while the instruction was executing.
  • Check the I/O module connection.
  • Reset the fault.
The Output Status input transitioned from ON (1) to OFF (0) while the instruction was executing.
  • Check the I/O module connection.
  • Reset the fault.
Feedback is inconsistent with the valve output.
  • Check the feedback signal.
  • Reset the fault.
Feedback did not turn ON (1) when Output 1 transitioned from OFF (0) to ON (1).
  • Check the feedback signal.
  • Adjust the Feedback Reaction Time, if necessary.
  • Reset the fault.
Feedback did not turn OFF when Output 1 transitioned from ON (1) to OFF (0).
Diagnostic Codes and Corrective Actions
The diagnostic codes are listed in hexadecimal format followed by decimal format.
Diagnostic Code
Corrective Action
No fault.
The Input Status was OFF (0) when the instruction started.
Check the I/O module connection.
The Output Status input was OFF (0) when the instruction started.
Check the I/O module connection.
The Actuate input is held ON (1).
Set the Actuate input to OFF (0).
Affects Math Status Flags
Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for array-indexing faults.
Action Taken
Same as Rung-condition-in is false.
Rung-condition-in is false
The .O1, .O2, and .FP outputs are cleared to false.
The Diagnostic Code and Fault Code outputs are set to 0
Rung-condition-in is true
The instruction executes as described in the Operation section.
Same as Rung-condition-in is false.
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