Maintenance Manual Valve Control (MMVC)

This instruction applies to the Compact GuardLogix 5370, GuardLogix 5570, Compact GuardLogix 5380, and GuardLogix 5580 controllers.
The Maintenance Manual Valve Control (MMVC) instruction is intended to drive a press valve manually during a maintenance operation. Manual drive of the valve is permitted when the instruction is enabled and in the permissive state. The permissive state means all of these conditions have been met:
  • A key switch is enabled.
  • The flywheel is stopped.
  • The slide is at bottom-dead-center (BDC).
  • The Safety Enable input is ON (1).
One instruction is required for each valve that needs to be manually controlled.
This instruction should only be enabled during a maintenance operation and should never be used during press operation.
Besides sourcing the Bottom and Flywheel Stopped inputs, perform a visual inspection to make sure that the press is at bottom-dead-center (BDC) and that the flywheel is not in motion before activating the keyswitch and enabling the valve.
The Keyswitch Enable Input must only be activated with a supervised key switch.
Available Languages
Ladder Diagram
RSL5K_MMVC Ladder Diagram_v31
Function Block
This instruction is not available in function block.
Structured Text
This instruction is not available in structured text.
Unexpected operation may occur if:
  • Output tag operands are overwritten.
  • Members of a structure operand are overwritten.
  • Structure operands are shared by multiple instructions.
If changing instruction operands while in Run mode, accept the pending edits and cycle the controller mode from Program to Run for the changes to take effect.
The following table provides the operands used to configure the instruction. These operands cannot be changed at runtime.
Data Type
MMVC structure
The following table explains the instruction inputs. The inputs may be field device signals from input devices or derived from user logic.
Data Type
This input is the instruction enable from mode switch. This instruction should be enabled in maintenance mode only.
ON (1): The instruction is enabled. Output 1 can be energized after the Actuate input transitions from OFF (0) to ON (1) when the instruction is in the permissive state.
OFF (0): The instruction is not enabled. Output 1 cannot be energized.
This is the supervised keyswitch input for the instruction.
ON: The instruction is activated.
OFF: The instruction is not activated. Output 1 cannot be energized.
This input indicates slide position.
ON (1): The slide is at bottom-dead-center (BDC).
OFF (0): The slide is not at BDC. Output 1 cannot be energized.
Flywheel Stopped
This input indicates whether or not the flywheel is stopped. This input must be ON (1) to allow manual valve control.
ON (1): The flywheel is stopped.
OFF (0): The flywheel is not stopped.
Safety Enable
This input represents the status of safety-related permissive devices such as E-stops, light curtains or safety gates. This input is optional on this instruction for extra protection if required for a particular application.
ON (1): Indicates that permissive devices are actively guarding the danger zone and permits the energizing of Output 1.
OFF (0): Indicates that permissive devices are no longer protecting the danger zone and prevents the energizing of Output 1.
This input is the signal to manually actuate the valve, energizing or de-energizing Output 1.
OFF (0) -> ON (1): Output 1 is energized if the instruction is enabled, the Keyswitch input is activated, and no faults exist.
ON (1) -> OFF (0): Output 1 is de-energized.
Input Status
If instruction inputs are from a safety I/O module, this is the status from the I/O module or modules (Connection Status or Combined Status). If instruction inputs are derived from internal logic, it is the application programmer’s responsibility to determine the conditions.
ON (1): The inputs to this instruction are valid.
OFF (0): The inputs to this instruction are invalid.
Output Status
This input indicates the output status of the I/O module connected to this instruction.
ON (1): The output module is operating properly.
OFF (0): The output module is faulted or offline. Instruction outputs are set their safe state.
This input clears the instruction faults provided the fault condition is not present.
ON (1): The Fault Present and Fault Code outputs are reset.
ISO 13849-1 stipulates instruction reset functions must occur on falling edge signals. To comply with ISO 13849-1 requirements, add this logic immediately before this instruction. Rename the ‘Reset_Signal’ tag in the example shown below to the reset signal tag name. Then use the OSF instruction Output Bit tag as the instruction’s reset source.
RSL5K_MMVC Reset-Signal Example_v31
The following table explains the instruction outputs. The outputs may be field device signals or derived from user logic.
Data Type
Output 1 (01)
This output manually controls a valve. The output is de-energized when:
  • The Enable input transitions from ON (1) to OFF (0).
  • The Keyswitch input transitions from ON (1) to OFF (0).
  • The Bottom input transitions from ON (1) to OFF (0), indicating the slide has left bottom-dead-center.
  • The Flywheel Stopped input transitions from ON (1) to OFF (0), indicating flywheel motion.
  • The Safety Enable input transitions from ON (1) to OFF (0).
  • The Input Status or Output Status inputs have turned OFF (0).
  • The Actuate input transitions from ON (1) to OFF (0).
Fault Present (FP)
ON (1): A fault is present in the instruction.
OFF (0): The instruction is operating normally.
Fault Code
This output indicates the type of fault that occurred. See the MMVC Fault Codes section for a list of fault codes.
This operand is not safety-related.
Diagnostic Code
This output indicates the diagnostic status of the instruction. See the MMVC Diagnostic Codes section below for a list of diagnostic codes.
This operand is not safety-related.
Do not write to any instruction output tag under any circumstances.
Affects Math Status Flags
Major/Minor Faults
None specific to this instruction. See Index Through Arrays for array-indexing faults.
Action Taken
Same as Rung-condition-in false.
Rung-condition-in is false
The .O1, and .FP are cleared to false.
The Diagnostic Code and Fault Code outputs are set to 0.
Rung-condition-in is true
The instruction executes as described in the Operation section.
Same as Rung-condition-in false.
This timing diagram shows normal operation of this instruction to manually drive a valve. The instruction enters the permissive state at (A) because the instruction has been enabled, bottom-dead-center (BDC) has been achieved, the flywheel is stopped, and the Safety Enable input is ON (1). Output 1 is energized at (B) because a rising edge is detected on the Actuate input, manually energizing the valve. Output 1 is de-energized at (C) because the Actuate input is turned OFF (0). Output 1 is energized again when another rising edge is detected on the Actuate input at (D). Output 1 is de-energized at (E) because the Enable input turns OFF (0), resetting the instruction. Finally, Output 1 is energized at (F) once the instruction is back in a permissive state and a rising edge is detected on the Actuate input. None of the conditions in this example results in a fault.
MMVC Normal Operation
Actuate in Non-permissive State
This timing diagram shows conditions that do not allow Output 1 to be energized because the instruction is not in a permissive state when the Actuate input transitions from OFF (0) to ON (1). Output 1 is not energized at (A) because the instruction is not enabled when the Actuate input transitions from OFF (0) to ON (1). The instruction is enabled, but faults immediately when the Actuate input transitions from OFF to ON because the Safety Enable input is OFF (0) at (B). The fault cannot be cleared because the fault condition still exists at (C). Finally, the fault is cleared at (D) when the Reset input transitions from OFF (0) to ON (1) because the Safety Enable input is now ON (1). Output 1 can now be energized when the Actuate input transitions from OFF (0) to ON (1).
MMVC Actuate in non-permissive state
Fault After Output 1 Energized
Output 1 is energized at (A) after the Actuate input transitions from OFF (0) to ON (1) when the instruction is in the permissive state. The instruction faults at (B) because the slide is no longer at bottom-dead-center (BDC). The fault is cleared at (C) when the Reset input transitions from OFF (0) to ON (1) and the slide has returned to BDC. Another fault is generated at (D) when the Actuate input transitions from OFF (0) to ON (1) and the flywheel is not stopped.
MMVC Fault After Output 1 Energized
False Rung State Behavior
When the instruction is executed on a false rung, all instruction outputs are de-energized.
Fault Codes and Corrective Actions
The fault codes are listed in hexadecimal format followed by decimal format.
Fault Code
Corrective Action
No Fault
The Input Status input transitioned from ON (1) to OFF (0) while the instruction was executing.
  • Check the I/O module connection.
  • Reset the fault.
The Output Status input transitioned from ON (1) to OFF (0) while the instruction was executing.
  • Check the I/O module connection.
  • Reset the fault.
The slide was not at bottom-dead-center (BDC) when the Actuate input transitioned from OFF (0) to ON (1).
  • Visually check to make sure the slide is at bottom.
  • Check the Bottom input signal.
  • Reset the fault.
Flywheel motion was detected when the Actuate input transitioned from OFF (0) to ON (1).
  • Visually check to make sure that the flywheel is not in motion.
  • Check the Flywheel Stopped input signal.
  • Reset the fault.
Safety Enable was OFF (0) when the Actuate input transitioned from OFF (0) to ON (1).
  • Visually check that the permissive inputs tied to the Safety Enable input are functioning properly.
  • Check the Safety Enabled input signal.
  • Reset the fault.
The Keyswitch input was OFF (0) when the Actuate input transitioned from OFF (0) to ON (1).
  • Turn the keyswitch on.
  • Check the Keyswitch input signal.
  • Reset the fault.
Diagnostic Codes and Corrective Actions
The diagnostic codes are listed in hexadecimal format followed by decimal format.
Diagnostic Code
Corrective Action
No Fault
The Input Status was OFF (0) when the instruction started.
Check the I/O module connection.
The Output Status input transitioned from ON (1) to OFF (0) while the instruction was executing.
Check the I/O module connection.
The Actuate input is held ON (1).
Set the Actuate input to OFF (0).
The slide was not at bottom-dead-center (BDC).
  • Visually make sure that the slide is at bottom.
  • Check the Bottom input signal.
Flywheel motion detected.
  • Visually make sure that the flywheel is not in motion.
  • Check the Flywheel Stopped input signal.
The Safety Enable signal is OFF (0).
  • Visually make sure that the permissive inputs tied to the Safety Enable signal are operating properly.
  • Check the Safety Enable input signal.
The keyswitch is disabled.
Enable the Keyswitch input.
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