- Studio 5000 Logix Designer
- Tasks, programs, and routines
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- Module Information
- 1756 ControlLogix I/O Modules
- Instruction Set
OUTPUT_CAM Structure
The OUTPUT_CAM data type is an array that defines the specifics for each Output Cam element. The OUTPUT_CAM contains the following members:
Mnemonic | Data Type | Description
OutputBit | DINT | You must select an output bit within the range of 0 to 31. A selection of less than 0 or greater than 31 results in an Illegal Output Cam error and the cam element is not considered. |
LatchType | DINT | The Latch Type determines how the corresponding output bit is set. A value of less than 0 or greater than 3 results in an Illegal Output Cam error and a latch type of Inactive is used. 0 = Inactive - The output bit is not changed. 1 = Position - The output bit is set when the axis enters the compensated cam range. 2 = Enable - The output bit is set when the enable bit becomes active. 3 = Position and Enable - The output bit is set when the axis enters the compensated cam range and the enable bit becomes active. |
UnlatchType | DINT | The Unlatch Type determines how the output bit is reset. Selecting a value less than 0 or greater than 5 results in an Illegal Output Cam error and an unlatch type of Inactive is used. 0 = Inactive- -The output bit is not changed. 1 = Position - The output bit is reset when the axis leaves the compensated cam range. 2 = Duration - The output bit is reset when the duration expires. 3 = Enable - The output bit is reset when the enable bit becomes inactive. 4 = Position and Enable - The output bit is reset when the axis leaves the compensated cam range or the enable bit becomes inactive. 5 = Duration and Enable - The output bit is reset when the duration expires or the enable bit becomes inactive. |
Left | REAL | The left cam position along with the right cam position define the cam range of the Output Cam element. The left and right cam positions specify the latch or unlatch positions of the output bit when the latch or unlatch type is set to Position or Position and Enable with the enable bit active. If the left position is less than the Cam Start position or greater than the Cam End position, an Illegal Output Cam error is returned and the cam element is not considered. |
Right | REAL | The right cam position along with the left cam position define the cam range of the Output Cam element. The right and left cam positions specify the latch or unlatch positions of the output bit when the latch or unlatch type is set to Position or Position and Enable with the enable bit active. If the right position is less than the Cam Start position or greater than the Cam End position, an Illegal Output Cam error is returned and the cam element is not considered. |
Duration | REAL | Duration specifies the time in seconds between latching and unlatching when the Unlatch Type is Duration or Duration and Enable with the enable bit active. A value less than or equal to 0 results in an Illegal Output Cam error and the cam element is not considered. |
EnableType | DINT | This defines the source and polarity of the specified EnableBit when LatchType or UnlatchType is Enable , Position and Enable or Duration and Enable . A value of less than 0 or greater than 31 results in an Illegal Output Cam error and the cam element is not considered.0 = Input - The enable bit is in the Input parameter. 1 = Inverted Input - The enable bit is in the input parameter and is active low. 2 = Output - The enable bit is in the Output parameter. 3 = Inverted Output - The enable bit is in the Output parameter and is active low. |
EnableBit | DINT | The value of the Enable Bit selected must be between 0 and 31 when LatchType or UnlatchType is Enable , Position and Enable or Duration and Enable . A value of less than 0 or greater than 31 results in an Illegal Output Cam error and the cam element is not considered.
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