Status-Safety input-output

The following I/O status information is relevant for all safety instructions.
Connection Status
Connection status (.ConnectionFaulted) is the status of the safety connection between the safety controller and safety I/O module. When the connection is operating properly, the bit is LO (0). When the connection is not operating properly, the bit is HI (1). When the connection status is not operating properly, all module defined tags are LO, and have invalid data.
Point Status
Point Status is available for safety inputs (.PtxxInputStatus) and safety outputs (.PtxxOutputStatus). When a point status tag is HI (1), it indicates that the individual channel is functioning and wired correctly. It also indicates the safety connection between the safety controller and the safety I/O module on which this channel resides is operating properly.
Combined Status
Combined Status is available for safety inputs (.CombinedInputStatus) and safety outputs (.CombinedOutputStatus). When the combined status tag is HI (1), it indicates that all input or output channels on the module are functioning and wired correctly. It also indicates that the safety connection between the safety controller and the safety I/O module on which these channels reside is operating properly.
Whether combined status or point status is used depends on the application. Point status provides more granular status.
The dual channel safety instructions have built-in safety I/O status monitoring. Input and Output statuses are parameters for the safety input and output instructions. All dual channel safety instructions have input status for input channels A and B. The CROUT instruction has input status for Feedbacks 1 and 2, and output status for the output channels driven by the CROUT outputs O1 and O2. The status tags used in these instructions must be HI (1) for the safety instruction output tag(s) with O1 for input instructions and O1/O2 to energize the CROUT instruction.
Interrogate Safety I/O status when using instructions such as XIC and OTE. Verify safety input channel status is HI (1) before using a safety input channel as an interlock. Verify safety output channel status is HI (1) before energizing a safety output channel.
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