Configuration Tab 1756 Digital DC Input

Use this tab to configure these digital DC input modules:
  • 1756-IB16
  • 1756-IB32
  • 1756-IC16
  • 1756-IG16
  • 1756-IV16
  • 1756-IB16I
  • 1756-IH16I
On this tab you can:
  • Enable the change of state for each input point
  • Set an input filter time
    The module’s configuration information is stored in the controller and the controller configures the module.
You can set or clear all check marks in a column on this page by selecting the check box in the header of each column. This allows you to set or clear all of the check boxes at once, without having to select each individual box.
Enable Change of State
Select the boxes for each input point that you want to enable Change of State for the HIGH to LOW (On -> Off) transition and/or the LOW to HIGH (Off -> On) transition.
If you:
Select a box
Data is produced from the input module cyclically at the RPI and also immediately upon change of state for this point.
Clear a box
Data is only produced from the input module cyclically at the RPI for this point.
Input Filter Time (ms)
Select a value to set these two values for filter times for each input point group:
  • ON to OFF delay time
  • OFF to ON delay time
This filter is used to filter out noise spikes that may have passed through the hardware circuitry. The input must remain at its new state continuously for at least the duration of the filter setting. For example, if the delay is set at 2ms for Off -> On, and the input is Off, the input must remain On for at least 2ms for the On state to be recognized and reported by the module in the data. If the input comes On for 1.8ms and then goes Off, the input module does not recognize an On state and continues to report Off. The filter times do not reflect delays due to the input circuit hardware, customer switching device, or customer supply voltage.
A pair of Off -> On and On -> Off filters work for a group of 8 input points.
Number of Input Points on a Module
Input Filters for the Input Point Groups
0 - 7
0 - 7
8 - 15
0 - 7
8 - 15
16 - 23
24 - 31
For 1756-IB32 only.
One filter time is common for each group of input points.
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