Configure output limits on non-isolated analog output modules

Use the
tab on the
Module Properties
dialog box to set clamping and ramp limits that can prevent damage to equipment.
To configure output limits on non-isolated analog output modules:
    1. In the
      Controller Organizer
      , right-click the module and select
    2. On the
      Module Propertie
      s dialog, select the
    3. Select the
      button to select the channel to configure.
    4. Enter the
      values for:
      • High Clamp
      • Low Clamp
    5. Select the
      Ramp in Run Mode
      check box to enable ramping during Run mode.
    6. In
      Ramp Rate
      box, type the maximum rate of change that an output may make (in engineering units per second).
    7. Select the
      Disable All Alarms
      check box to disable alarms for the current channel.
    8. Select the
      Latch Limit Alarms
      to maintain the high and low limit alarms after the condition ceases.
    9. Select the
      Latch Rate Alarm
      check box to maintain the rate alarm after the condition ceases.
    10. Select
      to unlatch the adjacent alarm condition.
    11. Select
      Unlatch All
      to unlatch
      alarms for the channel.
    12. Use the slider bar to visualize where the process limit trigger values are set for your process.
    1. Select
      to save the changes and continue editing, or select
      to save the changes and close the dialog.
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