Module Properties Dialog Box - Module Info Tab Overview

The Module Info Tab displays module and status information about the module. It also allows you to reset a module to its power-up state. The information on this tab is not displayed if you are:
  • Offline, or
  • Currently creating a module
Use this tab to determine the identity of the module.
The data on this tab comes directly from the module. If you selected a Listen-Only communication format when you created the module, this tab is not available.
Displays the module:
  • Vendor
  • Product Type
  • Product Code
  • Revision
  • Serial Number
  • Product Name
The name displayed in the Product Name field is read from the module. This name displays the series of the module. If the module is a 1756-L1 module, this field displays the catalog number of the memory expansion board (this selection applies to any controller catalog number even if additional memory cards are added.
Major/Minor Fault Status
If you are configuring a:
This field displays one of these:
digital module
  • EEPROM fault
  • Backplane fault
  • None
analog module
  • Comm. Lost with owner
  • Channel fault
  • None
any other module
  • None
  • Unrecoverable
  • Recoverable
Internal State Status
Displays the module’s current operational state.
  • Self-test
  • Flash update
  • Communication fault
  • Unconnected
  • Flash configuration bad
  • Major Fault (please refer to "Major/Minor Fault Status" above)
  • Run mode
  • Program mode
  • (16#xxxx) unknown
If you selected the wrong module from the module selection tab, this field displays a hexadecimal value. A textual description of this state is only given when the module identity you provide is a match with the actual module.
Displays a yes or no value indicating whether the module has been configured by an owner controller connected to it. Once a module has been configured, it stays configured until the module is reset or power is cycled, even if the owner drops connection to the module. This information applies to I/O modules only and does not apply to adapters, scanners, bridges, or other communications modules.
Displays a yes or no value indicating whether an owner controller is currently connected to the module. This information applies to I/O modules only and does not apply to adapters, scanners, bridges, or other communications modules.
Module Identity
If the physical module:
agrees with what is specified on the General Tab
In order for the Match condition to exist, all of the following must agree:
  • Vendor
  • Module Type (the combination of Product Type and Product Code for a particular Vendor)
  • Major Revision
does not agree with what is specified on the General Tab
This field does not take into account the Electronic Keying or Minor Revision selections for the module that were specified on the General Tab.
The Generic modules, such as the 1756-MODULE, always show a Mismatch because the configured Generic Key does not match any target device.
Reset Module
Selct this button to return a module to its power-up state by emulating the cycling of power.
Resetting a module causes all connections to or through the module to be closed, and this may result in loss of control.
These modules return an error if a reset is attempted:
  • 1756-L1 ControlLogix5550 Programmable Controller
  • 1336T AC Vector Drive
  • 1395 Digital DC Drive
A controller cannot be reset.
Select this button to refresh the tab with new data from the module.
Only 1756 I/O, 1756-M02AE, 1756-L1, and 1756-L1Mx modules have the following fields.
Coordinated System Time (CST)
Timer Hardware
Displays whether the timer’s hardware is OK or faulted.
Timer Sync’ed
Displays yes if the module’s timer is coordinated with the master; displays no if it is not.
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