Input Configuration Tab- 1794-IE8H; 1797-IE8, -IE8H, -IE8NF

Use this tab to configure each channel of your 1794-IE8H and 1797-IE8, 1797-IE8H, or 1797-IE8NF analog input modules.
Choose from two banks of four channels (0-3 and 4-7)
Data Format
Choose the module data format for all channels. The available values are listed in the table below. The default value is 0-20 mA 1000/mA (0...22000).
Count per mA
Data Table Value (Interpretation)
0-20 mA as mA
0...22000 (0-22.000mA)
0-20 mA as %
0...11000 (0-110.00%)
0-20 mA as
0...10488 (0-104.88%)
0-20 mA as unsigned integer
0...65535 (0-22mA)
4-20 mA as mA
2000...22000 (2.000-22.000mA)
4-20 mA as %
-1250...+11250 (2’s complement)
4-20 mA as
0...10607 (0-106.07%)
4-20 mA as unsigned integer
0...65535 (4-20mA)
The following four values have a fixed High/Low Error Level and therefore cause the High/Low Error Level feature to be disabled. Additionally, when you choose 0-20 mA, the Remote Transmitter Error direction cannot be Down, since the module cannot have a negative current (the channels are not bipolar).
Count per mA
Data Table Value Interpretation
0-20 mA as A/D count
0...55000 (0-22mA)
4-20 mA as %
-250...+10625 (2’s complement)
(-2.50% - +106.25%)
4-20 mA as %
-625...+10625 (2’s complement)
(-6.25% - +106.25%)
4-20 mA as %
-1250...+11250 (2’s complement)
(-12.50% - +112.50%)
Detect Faults on these Channels
Check this box to enable fault detection for Remote and Local Fault alarms. The Underrange and Overrange alarms are always active, and are thus not affected by this selection. By default, this box is unchecked, indicating fault detection is Off.
High/Low Error Level
This step value is multiplied by 0.1 mA to obtain the value of high or low alarm limits, depending on how the Remote Transmitter Error value is set (Up or Down). The default is 0, or disabled.
Remote Transmitter Error
When used in conjunction with the High Low Error level feature, this feature indicates whether Remote Fault or Local Fault alarms are triggered with input readings either above or below the High and Low signal levels. The default value is Up.
Input Filter Cutoff
Choose a rolloff frequency for the inputs on each channel as a group. This determines the sampling frequency, so that a 0.8 ms sampling time signal is more prone to noise, while a sampling time of 2 seconds allows many more samples to occur, thereby providing a more stable value range. Valid values include the following.
  • 1200 Hz, 0.8 ms (default)
  • 40 Hz, 25 ms
  • 20 Hz, 50 ms
  • 10 Hz, 100 ms
  • 4 Hz, 250 ms
  • 2 Hz, 500 ms
  • 1 Hz, 1 second
  • 0.5 Hz, 2 seconds
    For the 1797-IE8NF module, only the last 5 options are available, with 10 Hz being the default.
Square Root Threshold
Sets low, end-of-scale percent value at which square roots start being reported. Below this level, 0% is reported.
This compensates for asymptotic values of the square-root function as the input approaches zero.
The values are as follows.
  • Off
  • 2%
  • 5%
  • 10%
The default value is Off.
Click this button to accept your edits on all tabs and close the dialog.
Click this button to delete your edits on any tab and close the dialog.
Click this button to make your edits effective on any tab and continue editing.
  • you are online in Program, Remote Program or Remote Run mode and,
  • this controller is the owner controller and,
    A device that controls machines or processes elements (for example, a programmable controller or relay panel).
  • you have changed the module’s configuration in the software,
When you click the Apply or the OK button, the information is automatically sent to the controller. The controller tries to send the information to the module (if the connection to the module is not inhibited). If you don’t click the Apply or OK button, your changes are not sent to the controller.
The connection to a FLEX Ex I/O module using Rack communication cannot be inhibited. The
check box on the Connection tab is disabled in this case.
Click this button for assistance with this tab.
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