Module configuration does not match software configuration. Cannot continue.

The configuration in the module does not match the configuration in the controller. There are several reasons for this to occur:
  • RSLogix 5000 was offline, the Inhibit Module check box on the Connection Tab was checked and then you downloaded.
The result is that the new configuration was not loaded into the module ; therefore, the module retained the previous configuration. When calibration started (input/output), the configuration in the software did not match the configuration in the module.
  • RSLogix 5000 was offline and the Inhibit Module check box was not checked. You checked the Inhibit Module check box, changed the range setting and then pressed the Apply button.
The result is that the connection is inhibited and the new configuration does not immediately go to the module.
  • RSLogix 5000 was online and the Inhibit Module check box was not checked. The Inhibit Module check box was checked, and the range setting was changed and the Apply button was pressed.
To prevent this, when you check the Inhibit check box and then apply both changes together, the software inhibits the connection before applying the other changes and the new configuration is not immediately sent to the module.
  • The module and controller was powered-down. RSLogix 5000 was offline. When power was restored, the controller lost the program (no battery) and the module was not configured. The OK LED (PWR LED on the 1794-IRT8 and STATUS LED on the 1794-ACN) was blinking, the Inhibit Module check box was checked and then Apply was pressed.
  • RSLogix 5000 is online and the Inhibit Module box is not checked. There is a LED fault indicator on the ACN FLEX I/O adapter module and FLEX I/O module. The OK LED is blinking. The module was not configured and an error occurred.
Uncheck the Inhibit Module check box on the Connection tab and then click Apply. Re-check the Inhibit Module check box and click Apply again.
Some additional reasons, along with the resolutions, are as follows:
  • RSLogix 5000 is online and you did not check the Inhibit Module check box. An input range setting was changed and the Apply button was not pressed and calibration was then started. Since the Apply button was not pressed, the configurations do not match and calibration does not know which configuration to use.
Click Apply.
  • The status of the module is or "Waiting". The most common cause is that the connection is unscheduled. Check the Connection Tab of this module, or it’s parent adapter, for more information.
  • The status of the module is "Faulted" which means that there is a communication problem with the adapter or I/O module. Check the Connection Tab of this module for more information.
  • Run RSNetWorx for ControlNet.
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