A title with 40 characters. It must start with a letter or underscore ("_"), however, all other characters can be letters, numbers, or underscores. Names cannot contain two contiguous underscore characters and cannot end in an underscore.
The naming conventions are based on the IEC-1131 rules for identifiers.
Standards working group for measurement and control technology in the chemical industry.
negative acknowledgment (NAK)
An ASCII control character transmitted by a receiver as a negative response to the sender.
negative feedback
Feedback that is subtractive from the input reference signal. Negative feedback forms the basis for closed-loop control systems.
negative logic
The use of binary logic in such a way that the 0 represents the voltage level normally associated with logic 1 (for example, 0 = +5V, 1 = 0V). Positive logic is more conventional (for example, 1 = +5V, 0 = 0V).
network update time (NUT)
The repetitive time interval in which data can be sent on the ControlNet network. The network update time ranges from 2ms - 100ms.
neutral text
A textual format for Ladder Diagram Logic that does not require instruction mnemonics to be keywords, therefore, it is independent of the processor’s instruction set. This format enables the specification and exchange of logic information independent of instruction set.
A string of 4 bits operated on as a unit.
The connection point for media access.
A reference that reads the existing value of a tag.
normal program
A program that is not a power-up handler program or a controller fault handler program.
normally closed
The contacts on a relay or switch that are closed when the relay is de-energized or the switch is deactivated; they are open when the relay is energized or the switch is activated. In ladder programming, a symbol that will allow logic continuity (flow) if the referenced input is logic "1" when evaluated.
normally open
The contacts on a relay or switch that are open when the relay is de-energized or the switch is deactivated; they are closed when the relay is energized or the switch is activated. In ladder programming, a symbol that will allow logic continuity (flow) if the referenced input is logic "0" when evaluated.
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