wall clock time
A device located in the controller used to set and track the time of day. It is a 64-bit counter that counts in microseconds. Its CurrentValue is the number of microseconds from 0000 hours, January 1, 1970, coordinated universal time (UTC).
The SSV and GSV instructions can be used to set and read the Wall Clock Time in human readable format (that is, Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second and Microsecond).
watch position
An axis position that is compared against the actual position. This position is used in a Motion Arm Watch command to monitor a condition and trigger action.
A term used to specify how long a task can run before triggering a watchdog controller fault.
watchdog timer
A timer that monitors a cyclical process and is cleared at the conclusion of each cycle. If the watchdog runs past the programmed time period, it will cause a controller fault.
A storage location in memory consisting of a group of 16 bits or 2 bytes. A grouping or number of bits in a sequence that is treated as a unit.
word length
The number of bits in a word. In a programmable controller (unless stated otherwise) a word has 16 data bits.
working copy
A copy of a project made when opening the project. When you are working in a project, all changes you make are stored in this copy.
The main storage available for programs and data allocated for working storage.
A powerful, stand-alone computer used in applications requiring considerable calculating or graphics capability. It is a combination of input, output and computing hardware that can be used for work by an individual.
To copy data to a storage device. For example, the controller writes the information from the output data file to the output modules.
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